Super Bowl Commercials


Aug 9, 2008
Among the Horrors
Maybe it's me, but I thought commercials this year were fucking retarded (excluding movie ads).

Voicebox=mildly amusing
Etrade ads = amusing
House Rules = Funny
Brett Favre in whatever that ad was for = mildly amusing.

Everything else = meh to horrible.

Many started out promising and then had horrible punch lines. Lot of wasted ad money. The Tebow ad was pretty generic, I hope anyone involved with NOW or PP feels stupid about the uproar.

I was really pissed off at the Audi "green" ad. Besides the absurd police state, suggesting that the toxic mercury CFLs are better for the environment than incandescents is laughably wrong and ignorant.
Maybe it's me, but I thought commercials this year fucking retarded (excluding movie ads).

Voicebox=mildly amusing
Etrade ads = amusing
House Rules = Funny
Brett Favre in whatever that ad was for = mildly amusing.

Everything else = meh to horrible.

Many started out promising and then had horrible punch lines. Lot of wasted ad money. The Tebow ad was pretty generic, I hope anyone involved with NOW or PP feels stupid about the uproar.

I was really pissed off at the Audi "green" ad. Besides the absurd police state, suggesting that the toxic mercury CFLs are better for the environment than incandescents is laughably wrong and ignorant.

I like the Voicebox commercel.That about it.All the others are meh or horrible like you said.
They get worse and worse every year. Maybe I think this because of the fact the COLTS FUCKING LOST THE SUPER BOWL. I DUNNO YOU TELL ME

there's people dying in haiti and instead they waste 3 million on sheer idiocy. Who the fuck are they hiring to write this shit? mexicans? and that etrade generic talking baby bullshit needs to die, including the baby.