I got to see the intersection next to my house on the national news last year when someone set fire to a telephone pole and rocked a few cars off their wheels! Go Super Bowl!
I call it "the only football game of the year that is remotely fun to watch and frankly it would be equally fun to watch a turned-off TV if you had all the snacks and drinks and other accoutrements anyway".
Well, I have to make a pick anyway. Oakland. Why? Cuz they're more likely to riot that Tampa. Nothing better than people smashin' shit cuz their team won a sporting event. And I hate the super bowl unless the Packers are in it. It's so fricken overrated.
I actually get excited about the last 3 weeks of football season. If Tampa can do well in the first quarter they might win otehrwise the Raiders are going to steamroller them. I'm especially excited this year cause it's TWO PIRATE TEAMS!! ARRRRR!!
This is also the only thing that interests me about this yr's Superbowl. I had to read in the paper who was playing, and of course that's where it hit me.
I think i got out of it in college, where every superbowl was spent studying for a midterm the following day. Stupid quarter system. They were famous for covering a mile of material only a quarter inch deep.