Super Dense Melodeath Mix

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Just wanted to know what you thought of it so far! Any mix critique would be great! No vocals yet. Well, there are scratch vocals like have way through the song, but other than that, no vocals haha. I'm having trouble having the leads separate from the rhythms. The entire song has 2 rhythm guitars and 3 lead guitars at all times so it's a bit crazy.


Edit: Just noticed the incorrect bass notes during the bridge about 6:00 in (facepalm)
Nice to know I'm not the only one who suffers from ear fatigue. Give it a day or so, all that shit will become apparent.
I second everything said. Cymbals are a little too prominent. Needs a much heavier bass presence.

Oh and the fill that starts around 1:02 sounds a little mechanical.

Good start though.
Personally, the cymbals are still a bit too loud and fatiguing. I think the main problem with the mix is that it doesn't sound all that full. It could still use some more low end. The intro kinda gives off that the mix is going to have a lot of low end energy and when it comes in it just doesn't really hit you.

One thing that helps me out is turning the volume up on your interface and mixing a little louder. I think if you can get a mix sounding clean when mixing louder you're mix will translate better at normal volumes.
bass guitar needs to come way up.

guitars sound a bit hollow to me.

id also up the room mics and reverb on the kit, its a bit too dry for me. some room mics will fill in the mids a bit and fatten it up. sounds like theres a little too much bass EQ'd in the drums. the double kick sections have a ton more power than through the other sections.
The OH and snare could come up in the mix a bit. I agree with Machinated, bump up the verb on the kit a little. That snare is extra dry.