Super Mario Bros.3 beat in 11 minutes

i discussed this with someone at length yesterday who I picture as avi...was it you?

although this achievement looks amazing, I think it's actually not. if you notice, he abuses the uniform loads of monsters, and not very precisely, either. once you learn exactly where on the edge of the screen a koopa is going to pop, you just have to jump into that general area to keep your vault going.

what i think took a lot more skill was that amazing Tetris video that made the rounds half a year ago. that required actual skill and quick thought and judgment, not just learning the loads of monsters.
Sheesh, and I thought I had a lot of time on my hands...

I saw something like this for Super Mario 1 a while back, but it had a buch of showing off and such, instead of just going through as fast as possible.
This isn't amazing. The emulator is sped up. To test this I even checked on my 2 copies of mario 3 (got one for free) on 2 of my 3 NES's (yes I have 3, but one is broken and one is the newer one).