Super Moon Tonight May 5th


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
So - tonight May's full moon will reach perigee, it's the closest point to Earth in its elliptical pattern, one minute later, the moon will line up with the Earth and the sun to become gloriously full according to a video from NASA about the event.

Perigee will occur at exactly 11:34 PM EDT. Whats that 03:34 GMT?

The moon will appear 14% larger than other full moons of 2012.

Hopefully the weather clears up here and I can get a good view - maybe tonight will be a good night to grab a few beers, light up a fire in the fire pit, and relax with the wife and dogs, maybe I can get them to howl at the full moon in like little wolves, all 12 pounds of their wolf like Pekingesishness :goggly:
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As I photographed this last year and wasn't impressed, I read a good analogy on twitter... "the supermoon to an average moon is what a 16 inch pizza is to a 15 inch pizza"
just went to see it, i'm not sure if it's any different in other parts of the world but here it didn't look much different. guess i was expecting more :p
The Moon looks bigger when it is close to the horizon where you can compare it with buildings and other man made structures.

Cloudy here tonight so no show for me... :)
Looks like it will be extremely overcast here so it seems to be a no go here as well.
Doesn't look like much in the pic, but 'twas nice to look at!
Seemed bigger than the last time I checked (oo-er that's what she said!)
