Super pissed, derpin' in D-standard minisong


Jul 12, 2009
So here's the deal: came home super pissed, grabbed the guitar and recorded the first riffs that came into my mind. After getting pissed off at coming up with really generic wankery, I decided to leave the arrangement as is and retrack the guitars. Tightly this time. (The intro riff is THE hardest riff to play I've ever written. Never again... ) Then I wrote some stupid ass lyrics and growled like a motherfucker into my trusty SM57. Laid down some bass and programmed the drums, and here's the outcome: in Blood.mp3

I don't know, I might extend it a bit if I get into the mood again.

The lyrics if someone's interested:

Slit your throat wide open
The crime punished in blood
Crimsom colored ceiling
Remember the feeling

Self inflicted mass murder
Pumping gas into to the lungs of the youth
Fill the table with some cold hard dime of death
See the enemy consume themselves
It sounds really great and authentic! You should offer anger management classes, who knows what masterpieces could be created out of it.
This is sick! Totally kicks ass! Do you always write your music by getting pissed off first? Cuz it fucking works!
If you've followed any of my recent threads, you'll already know the gear I use, but just to recap: TSE X30 for the guitars, Guitar Rig 4 for the bass, Addictive Drums for the drums and a Shure SM57 for the vocals.

Thank you all for your kind words and feedback!

Slightly more bass heavy mix in the first post, go check that out!