Superhero MP3????


Hosebag wannabe
Feb 12, 2002
Somewhere in Time
Visit site
I know a link was posted somewhere a while back, but could someone please refresh my memory?? I really want to hear it again. Been reading some of the info. available and everybody who heard it live says it crushes!!!! How much longer must we wait??????

Been trolling around the 'net, and was looking at some Metallica info. Has anyone heard who there new bass player is gonna be? Just rumors, for now I suppose!

If they ask Joey Vera I hope he says, "Fuck no! I don't want to play the crap you guys have been putting out for the last 10 years!"

Originally posted by vomit
Thanx for the info. I am signed in as VomitScience!!!! I hope you can get this over to me!!!!

Let me know if you need it mang, I still have the "Superhero" Live MP3 zipped up to preserve it, so I still have it on my PC here at work if you need it. It's a great song, even with the people talking in the back ground!


Thanx to "the man" I now have "Superhero" in MP3 form. Live from New Orleans. I posted it into my Kazaa folder, so it should be available for downloading from there!

Cheers and Blatz to all!