Superjoint Ritual....Is it good?

Weapon X

Raised to be Lowered
Jul 25, 2002
Ontario, Canada
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Well folks Superjoint Rituals new album is out: Lethal Dose of American Hatred

Is it any good? Do you have it? haha

I got the first and wasn't greatly impressed. Found it quite boring. I've heard a few short clips of the new, and it sounds about as boring.

What do you think about it? Is it worth the buy?
i love use once and destroy(1st cd), and i love the 2nd cd, what i have come to realize is that a lot of the people that did not identify with the first cd like the second, so maybe you should dl a few and see what you like, i reccommend "personal insult" "waiting for the turning point" amoung the rest of the cd, those are the two that stand out for lots of folks, but i like em all, enjoy.
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Soilent Goat said:
See, that right there shows you what kind of people enjoy SJR. Dumb motherfuckers who don't know how to use proper grammar.

You are one hard core motherfucker! I acutually "owned" thier last disc & found it to be very repetitive, I couldn't tell where one song ended & another started. It was a like a record that was laid down by a bunch of adults on crystal meth. Maybe, that was case? I have heard the new track & have also seen the video for it on HBB, it's a little different sounding than the material I had heard. I can't say it was very memorable though, it didn't get me excited about the band.
I don't know about these "sucks" & "blows" type reviews by the previous rivet heads, but that doesn't tell me a whole lot. And I would have to guess that if you don't like the band to begin with, you didn't go out & buy a copy? So to the brother that started the thread, I guess you should pick up a used copy and "hear" for yourself?
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sixxswine said:
I don't know about these "sucks" & "blows" type reviews by the previous rivet heads, but that doesn't tell me a whole lot. And I would have to guess that if you don't like the band to begin with, you didn't go out & buy a copy? So to the brother that started the thread, I guess you should pick up a used copy and "hear" for yourself?

Yes I think I'll find some downloadables or hear the album at the record store to see for myself.

To all those that replied with more than a 2 word review thanks :) and if you give an album review or an opinion on a band as "blows or suxs" as the review; seems like a waste of time or pointless.:Spin:
Charubic Murder said:
Superjoint Ritual is terrible. Phil Anselmo should be hung, the dumb fuck.



This is one of the most inadvertently hilarious posts I have seen. In case you don't know why I'm laughing, hung is a very different term from the proper hanged, and the popular meaning behind hung gives a very different meaning to Charubic Murder's post.