surprise at QR Universal show


Apr 20, 2004
Always Somewhere!
RJD To Appear at Queenryche Show in LA October 5! 8/17/2006 4:25:30 PM
It's Official: Ronnie James Dio will appear on stage with Queensryche, October 5th at the Gibson Amphitheater, one night only to sing his part of Dr. X on Queensryche's Operation Mindcrime II.

Dio stated, "I've been asked to reprise my performance as Dr. X on the Operation Mindcrime II in a live venue. It worked out where I was able to do it for this show, and it should be quite a treat."
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
kittybeast said:
are you saying you don't like Dio- or just OP MC II ??

OP MC II. Listened to it 3 times and it gets worse every time I hear it.

I've got nothing against Dio, but if they're announcing RJD's appearance at this show it makes me wonder if ticket sales are that soft (and that, as of today, I can still get center section seats this close to the gig date is proof positive that they are).

I know the date for Gigantour in Devore is doing soft business because they were offering discounted tickets and you can still get orchestra section seats.
sumairetsu said:
I know the date for Gigantour in Devore is doing soft business because they were offering discounted tickets and you can still get orchestra section seats.

Devore is too far to go....and I don't like the line up anyway. I haven't checked QR tickets as I bought 6th row long, long time ago.
That ought to be pretty fun. I wondered if they wouldn't get Dio for at least one show and Southern Cal would be the most obvious choice. I'm jealous. :headbang: