suspension of disbelief

I didnt read past the first paragraph of the first link. Seemed so obvious to me and hard for me to believe anyone would evaluate it. As it said its escapism ala fantasy dates back to pondering the stars, creating the bible, ect, ect, ect.

Ancient proverb - "the idle mind is a dangerous thing" mankinds mind never rests, though many seems deep as a mudpuddle... and others WAY over the top, like a serial killer or horror story writer
I didnt read past the first paragraph of the first link. Seemed so obvious to me and hard for me to believe anyone would evaluate it. As it said its escapism ala fantasy dates back to pondering the stars, creating the bible, ect, ect, ect.

Ancient proverb - "the idle mind is a dangerous thing" mankinds mind never rests, though many seems deep as a mudpuddle... and others WAY over the top, like a serial killer or horror story writer

the articles that i posted links to kind of explain why so many people believe in the Christian's Bible even though it's pretty obviously bull crap once you stop to analyze it, many of the Christians are just victims of "groupthink" where they're just believing in Cristianity because they live in an area where everyone else is Christian, and they're too busy with their lives to question the valitity of the group's mentality, they just assume that "Jesus of Nazereth" was really "Jesus Christ" the half-human offspring of "YHWH" just because everyone else does whithout even stoping to realize that YHWH was a made-up entity just like the pagan deities/demi-gods from Egypt/Greece/China etc etc

they're are also many people that suddenly become Christian after a "trigger event" happens where they are suddenly unable to deal with life as atheist, but this is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder where religion has become "the wheelchair for the crippled mind"
the articles that i posted links to kind of explain why so many people believe in the Christian's Bible even though it's pretty obviously bull crap once you stop to analyze it, many of the Christians are just victims of "groupthink" where they're just believing in Cristianity because they live in an area where everyone else is Christian, and they're too busy with their lives to question the valitity of the group's mentality, they just assume that "Jesus of Nazereth" was really "Jesus Christ" the half-human offspring of "YHWH" just because everyone else does whithout even stoping to realize that YHWH was a made-up entity just like the pagan deities/demi-gods from Egypt/Greece/China etc etc

they're are also many people that suddenly become Christian after a "trigger event" happens where they are suddenly unable to deal with life as atheist, but this is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder where religion has become "the wheelchair for the crippled mind"

I think you sufficate yourself some with over concern on religious issues. I say this because you also fail to recogonize that people actually have faith, something they can feel. Other examples are, I know people that do not believe in a supreme being but are totally spiritual, believe in ghosts, now thats hard to swallow I know but its true, I have talked with a few that swear up and down they have seen ghosts but dont have a lick of Christianity in them. Then someone like me that due to events in life really believes there is something to this karma thing. I also know people that have not recieved their due karma. So I make no solid conclusions. I have been around enough Christians that are decent people and came to conclude that I could not judge them as being on cloud nine in their beliefs, only that I was incapable of believing what they do.

I think too many young people sweat this today because one side wants to pass it along that everything thats wrong with the world today has Christianity to blame. I refuse to be that ignorant and know that everything thats wrong today is simply because there is a human at the wheel, regardless their beliefs, humans are ass-holes, end of story for me. I dont care if your black, white, yellow, red, female, male, confused, rich, poor Christian, Jew, Muslim, "Atheist", my best friend or my enemy, your still nothing but flesh and blood rolled up into one big self serving ass-hole that is gonna die one day and all this will have been for nothing.
they're are also many people that suddenly become Christian after a "trigger event" happens where they are suddenly unable to deal with life as atheist, but this is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder where religion has become "the wheelchair for the crippled mind"

oh please, are you assuming that atheists can deal with their lives?
Fuck, I can't fathom the reason why every atheist thinks that religious people have "miserable" lives !!
every atheist thinks that religious people have "miserable" lives !!

not at all
infact i'm saying just the opposite
for many Cristians, the belief in deity is actually creating a calm, it's the mind's way of coping with stuff
I think you sufficate yourself some with over concern on religious issues. I say this because you also fail to recogonize that people actually have faith, something they can feel. Other examples are, I know people that do not believe in a supreme being but are totally spiritual, believe in ghosts, now thats hard to swallow I know but its true, I have talked with a few that swear up and down they have seen ghosts but dont have a lick of Christianity in them. Then someone like me that due to events in life really believes there is something to this karma thing. I also know people that have not recieved their due karma. So I make no solid conclusions. I have been around enough Christians that are decent people and came to conclude that I could not judge them as being on cloud nine in their beliefs, only that I was incapable of believing what they do.

I think too many young people sweat this today because one side wants to pass it along that everything thats wrong with the world today has Christianity to blame. I refuse to be that ignorant and know that everything thats wrong today is simply because there is a human at the wheel, regardless their beliefs, humans are ass-holes, end of story for me. I dont care if your black, white, yellow, red, female, male, confused, rich, poor Christian, Jew, Muslim, "Atheist", my best friend or my enemy, your still nothing but flesh and blood rolled up into one big self serving ass-hole that is gonna die one day and all this will have been for nothing.

to me the idea of ghosts walking around seems much more plausible than the idea of "Jesus of Nazereth" actually being "Jesus Christ"

as for the second paragraph, i totally agree
but "ghosts" or believeing in spirits is believe in an afterlife, now if there can be an after life there can be a God and there can be virgin Mary giving birth to a son of god, who could walk on water and rise from the dead... voila one Jesua Christ

Yet people will believe in spirits but not a god

Will somebody from the alternate world please step forward and tell us what the fuck is going on.... paaalease... IM sick of all these secrets
not at all
infact i'm saying just the opposite
for many Cristians, the belief in deity is actually creating a calm, it's the mind's way of coping with stuff

There are miserable atheists AND miserable christians
There are happy atheists AND happy christians

It's not related to religion, it's whether or not you have found your piece of mind.

It doesn't matter if it's pray or blasphemy what makes you happy, it's whether or not you're doing something that you believe you should do.
good job Hex, now I only wish I could believe what to do.

This has been my reality the past 10 years
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There are miserable atheists AND miserable christians
There are happy atheists AND happy christians

It's not related to religion, it's whether or not you have found your piece of mind.

It doesn't matter if it's pray or blasphemy what makes you happy, it's whether or not you're doing something that you believe you should do.

i didn't say that the belief in deity creates the calm in ALL christians, i was merely referencing the fact that for many Christians, "religion is the wheelchair for the crippled mind"

for others, the belief in Christianity is the result of "groupthink" and for these "Christians" their religion is actually the CAUSE of their misery, the rules in Leviticus, Dueteronomy (spell?) Exodus and the 10 Comandments, "the sermon on the mount" etc etc etc are really just a listing of things that humans would instinctively do, with the instruction "don't do these things" where these rules are instructing people to go against what is instinctive, because of course "you wouldn't have to make a rule against doing something if no one had the inclination to break that rule to begin with"

in america, the groupthink of "Christianity" has gotten so out of hand to the point that many american suicides are the result of people doing or desiring to do things that the "holy bible" says are "sinfull", especially when those things are not actually illegal
mono - you really should give a try at not thinking everything is new in America or that America is the only place or that Christianity is the soul cause of various grievences you have, its just rediculous.

Im talking stuff like this

"in america, the groupthink of "Christianity" has gotten so out of hand"

"the belief in Christianity is the result of "groupthink" and for these "Christians" their religion is actually the CAUSE of their misery"

"religion is the wheelchair for the crippled mind"

Sorry, but anywhere I've ever been it takes balls and some possible internal disturbances to pretend to speak for others.
mono - you really should give a try at not thinking everything is new in America or that America is the only place or that Christianity is the soul cause of various grievences you have, its just rediculous.

Im talking stuff like this

"in america, the groupthink of "Christianity" has gotten so out of hand"

"the belief in Christianity is the result of "groupthink" and for these "Christians" their religion is actually the CAUSE of their misery"

"religion is the wheelchair for the crippled mind"

Sorry, but anywhere I've ever been it takes balls and some possible internal disturbances to pretend to speak for others.

i didn't mean to imply that my descriptiopn of america is only applicable in america, it's just more pronounced, more problematic, more noticeable in america
and you know this because you are so worldly ? experienced in the observation and self evaluation of human traits, characteristics, reactions, "group think", personal pursuits, interests, beliefs, happiness, sadness, coping ? to the point that you can sum all the problems of the world down to specific books and that only one kind of character has religious beliefs ?
I see no specific problems with Christianity, it is what it is. I see no specific problem with bikers, it is what it is. Anytime there is groups of people there will be all kinds within, we are supposed to be wise enough to not let one bad apple spoil the whole
The problems with Christianity are specifically all the many ways it does not follow the Bible.

my problem is how Christianity was capable of deviding into differing denominations
my thought would be "1 holy text = 1 religion" just simply the fact that Christianity was actually capable of splintering off into different sects makes the "Holy Bible" itself look suspicious