Sweaters are metal as fuck!!!!

Jan 14, 2003
Pennsylvania, USA
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This one time I was in a record store, wearing a sweater, and some scrawny dork with a Soulfly shirt and 3 inch long dreads approached me and uttered "You look like you know a lot about metal, man. Do you know any other bands that sound like Soulfly?". I just walked away.
One time I was in some store where two skater type kids from some band and their girlfriends were walking around promoting their show or something, and one guy came up behind me all excitedly "Hey! Hey! Do you like Hardcore????!?!?" I turned around, revealing my Running Wild Port Royal sweatshirt and brushed my hair back a bit and said, "No." and his eyes went like :eek: and he hurried away nervously.
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
This one time I was in a record store, wearing a sweater, and some scrawny dork with a Soulfly shirt and 3 inch long dreads approached me and uttered "You look like you know a lot about metal, man. Do you know any other bands that sound like Soulfly?". I just walked away.
the same thing happened to me, but instead of soulfly was some nu-metal kind asking for some bands that sounded like korn...i was nice, i told him to listen to some SOAD(that was like 2 years ago), should have pointed to slayer's reign in blood:tickled:
My friends are in a pop punk band and they were so kind as to put me on the guest list to one of their shows, and being the good friend I was, I decided to subject myself to the mind numbing set. Anyways, the pop kids were jumping around to the music pretending to mosh and what not, and some older punk guys decided to be cool and run into the "pit" and try to take everyone out, so they did this quite a few times regardless of how dumb it was for them to think they are better than those kids. But anyways, they noticed me standing by myself in agony in the back and one of the guys came up to me and said "you look like you like harder music than this, my friend's band is playing downstairs later, you should check them out, they play loud music, like the deftones" I simply stared at him. Oh well.
Someone seriously asked me if I liked Eminem before! He said "Well, you know, you might like him, because your into raping and murdering everyone!" I just told him that's the stupidess thing I ever heard and that he needs to stop smoking so much crack and then proceeding to put in the band Dismember into the CD player!!!!!!

I always were sweaters! They are all cozy and stuff.
Yes, most of the public doesn't know jackshit about heavy metal and what it's about. All they know are the stupid stereotypes they learn from watching MTV. When someone makes a real stupid comment about heavy metal I always correct them but it just doesn't get through thier fucking heads.