Swedes and Finns: What're your opinions on your countries?


Mar 21, 2010
New York
Just curious about how you guys like living in the lands where pretty much all my favorite bands originated from :headbang:

EDIT: And Norway/Norwegians of course, I do thoroughly enjoy some black metal (key word there being "some", however :lol: )
We complain about pretty much everything for no reason. Except boobs, there's plenty of that. Oh, and pussy.
Hahahahah, "my bum is on the SWEEEEEEDISH", there's a blast from the past :D

And that's cool you guys dig it; I once heard mention of some sort of freedom of speech limitations in Sweden, any truth to that? (I didn't put much stock in it, but I figured I'd ask)
Things are not perfect, but I can't think of any other country I'd like to live in at the moment.

For some reason, we do political decisions based on what Sweden has done, and even if it didn't prove to be wise we do it anyway. We're also a bilingual country just because of a fraction of the population that's finnish-swedish, and that's why swedish must be taught at schools. I think it fucking sucks, knowing swedish doesn't help in life at all.

It's like you should know swedish, but no one ever really uses it and forgets it later in life.

But I like the polar bears on the streets though. They're cool.
I really like it. As mentioned, it's not perfect but I wouldnt want to live any other place. It would be cool to live in a bigger city though, like Göteborg (Gothenburg for you heathens) to have more oppertunity for finding band members/recording clients. Not to mention this town has like a total of 10 bars, with about 3 good ones. And since I usually end up molesting a number of barely-legal girls and generally making an ass of myself everytime I go out, that can be a bit of a problem.
I wouldn't mind living in a warmer country but I fucking love my life here in Sweden. Everything is organized and you don't have to worry about shit. I got a gorgeous wife with great tits, I got a pretty good job and a great family. I'm very happy at this point in my life.

About the fins. What the hell should they ever need to learn swedish for any reason. Exchange those classes to music classes instead! That would make more sense...
Things are not perfect, but I can't think of any other country I'd like to live in at the moment.

For some reason, we do political decisions based on what Sweden has done, and even if it didn't prove to be wise we do it anyway.

And this:
The grass is always greener on the other side..

I probably wouldn't want to live anywhere else, though.

I have been contemplating about moving somewhere else, but haven't come up with any good enough excuses. So until I win in the lottery, this is most likely where I will live and one day die.

I would like to travel the world though, and will do so one day. It's just a question of when and how.

But I like the polar bears on the streets though. They're cool.
This too! :lol:

About the fins. What the hell should they ever need to learn swedish for any reason. Exchange those classes to music classes instead! That would make more sense...

Because 5.5% majority > 92% minority...
Pics or GTFO! :lol:

C'mon, you knew SOMEONE would say it :headbang:

didn't find any tits but imagine her with some milk packed buns...

And that's cool you guys dig it; I once heard mention of some sort of freedom of speech limitations in Sweden, any truth to that? (I didn't put much stock in it, but I figured I'd ask)

Well, both yes and no.. but its not the government oppressing the people, its civilians oppressing other civilians(If you have anti-socialist views you are a despicable human being basically.).
If you have any opinion about our immigration policies apart from "Lets take in even more people!", you are put in the same group as the nazis.
If you have any views that arent considered socialist, you are put in the same group as the nazis.
If you have any "negative" views about gay rights(Like gay marriage in church.), you are put in the same group as nazis.
Well, i guess you get the picture by now.
(Och nej, jag stödjer _INTE_ SD.)

And its ugly to talk about things that you think need to be changed in this country, because a good citizen doesnt want to stir anything up, change is to messy for us Swedes.

Basically, the Swedish mentality is that you should have the same opinion as everyone else about everything, otherwise you are a horrible person and people will shun you almost as if you where carrying leprosy.

Edit: Oh, and we dont protest ANYTHING(Except for when we support terrorists ofc.).
I have a swedish friend who lived in Stokholm but moved to Brazil. When I asked him about why he decided to move from a country that is seen as the pinnacle of civilization to a third world country he said that people there were not joyful, merry and happy. He refeers to Sweden as "the frozen wasteland" and he didn´t feel alive there. I still think it must be an awesome place.
Yeah, i wont say that Sweden is a bad place, but he is kind of right.. Swedes are generally "spiritually dead" people.
Im not getting that whole "frozen wasteland" though, because Sweden isnt that cold really(Apart from the northern region, where only snowgnomes lives anyways.).. its more like Britain: It rains all the fucking time(Seriously, fuck the rain.).