Swedish death metal style band - mix


Who'r u calling a Junior?
Nov 11, 2003
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Hi! I mixed the demo for my friends few months ago. I wanted to see what you think:

Here's a song from the demo:

Through Art - The Void I BelongTo.mp3

It's was a no budget recording. They recorded all guitars (clean, but monitored with dist) and vocals at home with all the clipping and stuff, :) and programmed the drums (not very happy with that, but I had no time to reprogram).

Guitars are SimulAnalog and drums are DFH1. Waves EQ and Compression on everything. There's some manual doubling on vocal cause they recorder only one vocal track.

Please tell me what you think.


PS if nothing else I hope you dig the song - I know I do
The song is interesting. Especially the clean vocal parts, unique voice for a melodeth band. The growls have a tad bit too much bottom end in them, and the music could do with some C4 (multiband) to tame the lowend and added high end. The drums sound like they have a decent amount of potential, maybee after the brightening you could try some brutal compression on the toms to get them pounding, this might be a good track to A-B to Nightrages' Sweet vengance album. The kick has a bit of mud in it, try scooping it a bit.
Guitars and bass should be fine after you add the highs.

I dont know what you had to start off with here, but you're on your way to a decent track/ mix. Good work so far.
