Swedish Melodic Death Metal Mp3

First and foremost turn down the suck. Just kidding. I really can't see anything to really bust your chops on. Maybe work on the solo tone a bit more, and bring out the solo as well. Also some vocals would own in the song. :rock:

also, you still using the PodXT for the crushing tones?
Be really critical about this mix.
I worked my focking ass of for this one.
No compression on the master so it sounds alot more breathing.



:rock: :kickass: :rock:

Nothing to add really... great song, riffs ruleth, only thing you could, but probably wont because you are probably really tired of working on this song, but you could make those drums a bit more realistic by placing the drum hits a bit next to where they are now... make em more realistic that way, they do sound mechanic on some parts...

Oh yeah... that solo reminded me of a danish band called "evil masquerade"... the beginning of it at least.. very cool!
When the whole band enters, it could hit a lot harder, and sound less like a rolled in transition. I'd make it so it literally smacks you in the face when it comes in, like Slaughter of the Soul.

When you come back around to that intro riff, the downpicks sound rushed to me... there's just something a bit off about the guitars, timing wise. Tight as hell, together, but not with the drums.
WOW! The sound is killer and the song is one of the best Melo Death pieces I've heard for a while. Superb!
One question: which tool do you use to create the drums? And which gear? (I hope you haven't been explaining those things throughout the forum)