Sweeping on Bass


Mar 24, 2004
Nanaimo , BC Canada
I know it can be done, listen to " Only Ash Remains " by Necrophagist. I was wondering if you guys could suggest some songs to check out with sweeping/shredding bass lines , and more importantly , tabs. and if theres any special technique/scale i should use.
sounds painful!

i can only recommend having lots of strings on your bass, and learning to do sweeps that change positions.. like this one for guitar


(which is right out of the guitar chapter (MR's video)...

starts in 3rd position, moves to fifth, seventh, then slides up to tenth. the rest of the moves are not slides

you definitely want to figure out how to make the most of your limited strings and stretch... most guitar sweeps tend to stay in one position (limited to one spot of the neck.. no left/right movement) but i doubt you can do that on a bass...
Would you sweep on a bass with a pick or your fingers?

There's a part in the instrumental section of Dream Theater's "Endless Sacrifice" where Myung does some mid-tempo 3-string sweeps.
yes there are some sweeps on underworld cd. the strangest one is in the background of the from your sleep guitar solo. you cant really hear anything, but i swear that theres something there! :)

i believe hermanny does it with a pick in a guitar fashion. i guess someone is yet to try it out with fingers. one of my bassist friends is into this...
Hermanny doesn't use a pick, he sweeps with his thumb. Whether he changes to his index finger or not when descending, I don't know, but either way is possible.

And yes, the sweeps behind the guitar solo in 'From My Sleep... To Someone Else' are truly terrifying.
Eternal_Frost said:
any special technique/scale i should use.

Technically, you are only supposed to sweep using the Eskimo Hexatonic scale. People who use anything else are doing the sweeping technique entirely wrong.
dargormudshark said:
The Mirror stage by Adagio, go on their website and they have the bass solo for The Stringless Violin tabbed out www.adagioonline.com

maybe I could get my bass player to send you some stuff.

yea that would be cool , cause my guitarist wants me to learn how to sweep on the bass cause were starting up a tech/death metal band.
I sweep on bass using thumb up, index down. It took my a couple days to get the picking technique down, then I moved on to picking notes... christ. I've got a couple sweep patterns down. Minor and major root inversion, and minor and major 1st inversion. I just started learning it like a week or so ago. I've only got 4 strings, so I'm finding I'm tapping a lot of notes
u guys should listen to stephan forte's song onshawn lane tribute cd its called shamans ,at the end of the song there is a crazy sweeping bass solo
Eternal_Frost so your a necrophagist fan. i been a big fan for a while now. i never thought i would find fan of them on the Symphony x board.