I was browsing through the metal section over at my beloved Amoeba Records here in SF, when what to my wondering eyes should appear?
Thats right, Death Shall Rise------ CANCER FUCKING CANCER!
So James, tell us some of the differences between the production on THIS brutal slab of beef versus what goes on these days!
Things that rule about early 90's death metal:
• Click track? Click tracks are for pussies!
• EQ curve on the guitar has the same V pattern as your eyebrows do whenst riffing.
• The only samples used are the beers you keep sampling till you're drunk enough to shred.

Thats right, Death Shall Rise------ CANCER FUCKING CANCER!

So James, tell us some of the differences between the production on THIS brutal slab of beef versus what goes on these days!
Things that rule about early 90's death metal:
• Click track? Click tracks are for pussies!
• EQ curve on the guitar has the same V pattern as your eyebrows do whenst riffing.
• The only samples used are the beers you keep sampling till you're drunk enough to shred.