Sweet Ameoba score: why old school DM rules


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
I was browsing through the metal section over at my beloved Amoeba Records here in SF, when what to my wondering eyes should appear?


Thats right, Death Shall Rise------ CANCER FUCKING CANCER! :kickass:

So James, tell us some of the differences between the production on THIS brutal slab of beef versus what goes on these days!

Things that rule about early 90's death metal:

• Click track? Click tracks are for pussies!
• EQ curve on the guitar has the same V pattern as your eyebrows do whenst riffing.
• The only samples used are the beers you keep sampling till you're drunk enough to shred.

ha... yeah... it's been a while... but other than loaning a Marshall half-stack to the band and Scott Burns i remember very little in a specific way about the actual tracking sessions... i do however have plenty of memories regarding how things were generally done in those days at that studio, with that producer. i can tell you that click tracks were sometimes used by Scott at that time, though i don't think so on "DSR" if memory serves, but it was definitely Burns' habit to use samples, normally always on kick and sometimes on snare as well.... but yeah it was definitely a different era.... the album was tracked to 2" 24-track... an Otari MTR-90 though, they didn't have the Studers yet at that time. Mixes were printed to half-inch and DAT simultaneously iirc, but not sure which was used in the end. kick samples were handled via a Mac, yep... i think an Apple IIGS running Opcode Vision software that slaved to the two-inch via a SMPTE-to-MIDI converter. this software was MIDI-only... the sample was played via Vision's MIDI output to an Opcode midi interface running to the midi-in of either an old AKAI S1000 or, as might have been more likely at Morrisound in 1992, a TC Electronic 2290 which was actually a digital delay that is still around in many studios today that has a about 4 seconds available sampling time and good MIDI implementation.

hope that helps. man, i haven't heard that album in years... lol.
The Apple IIGS - the Edsel of computing - that's so metal!!! ROFL

In those days, I was 14 and had just started playing guitar and I was using the Amiga to do electronic music with early Amiga-based soft synths. My favorite band was Van Halen and I had no idea deathmetal existed yet, and I had a proto-emo haircut since I had just started growing my hair longer after years of looking like a total mental patient with short, straight hair.

I would discover Carcass and Death a year later and everything changed from then on...