SWEET LEAF show this Saturday, AUGUST 24th 2002!

The day before Ozzfest hits the Bay, and we want to do this tribute right,and we need you there!!!:headbang:
If you live in the Bay Area, you have no excuse not to make it:devil: See you there!!!:hotjump:
well, mr. smyth is supposed to be working on getting some sound clips together (AHEM!).

sweet leaf would LOVE to play a show in your parts. they were wondering about possibly setting up a show sometime with the iron maidens and another cover band.
No shit? That would be awesome. I know Mel, the bassist for the Maidens. They are hot too! Mel used to be in Raven Mad. I used to go to all her gigs with my ex-boyfriend. I have been outta the loop and havent seen the new band she's in. I bet they rock too! Keep me posted and let me know if SL will be playing in LA/Orange County anytime in the near future. I would love to see them live! Thanks! :)