Sweet merciful crap!

I saw this on the news this morning and absolutely couldn't fucking believe it. What the hell would posess teachers, people who are supposed to work in a child's best interest, to do something like this.

As a kid, we had some god awful teachers (and to be fair a few really good ones), but this is one of the worst things I have ever even heard of a teacher doing.

I agree with what a few of you have already said, fire them immediately.

I would also say criminal charges should be filed. Child endangerment.
You know what would have been better. If they fed all the kids Hamburgers that day, and then told them all of thier Parents are dead, and they just ate thier own parents.
Those teachers have so much to learn about mentally torturing children.
This went waaayyy beyond what needs to be done. My husband's school does unannounced lockdown drills, but all that happens is the special signal is sent and he just has to lock the doors/turn the lights off/keep students away from windows for a few minutes.

Poor kids.