Swordmetal Interview with Overlorde


Sep 13, 2004
Hail everyone!

A new website started up thats pretty cool. www.swordmetal.com. Their first interview is with me, and it is a different slant to say the least. Very entertaining, especially for people into medieval /renaissance/sword and sorcery stuff! Here is the teaser...

Our very first interview here on Swordmetal has been unleashed tonight. I interviewed OVERLORDE's Mark Edwards to see just how Sword his band is. I plan on releasing one new interview every week with bands ranging from Dragonforce to Overlorde to some up and coming bands that you've probably never heard of. It's all about the Sword ladies and gentleman. Fame is but a shadow of a thought when compared to the Code of the Sword. Be you Iron Maiden, Helloween, or Johnny's Swordmetal Garage Band from Idaho, you are welcome here!

Since it was so unusual I gave them three never-before-posted pictures to use, to make it even more unique. Here is the link to the interview.


At the end of the interview you can read or make comments about the interview. Also at the end, there is a link to our profile. In the profile you can read or make "member reviews" of our CD. One of the people who posted a review already is Pyramaze51 (thanks man!).

Hail and Huzzah! Enjoy!