SX Seasons


Does anyone ever feel like it's hard to get into specific styles of music during different seasons? (Provided you experience seasons where you live).

To me, Symphony X is categorized as a "winter" band. Something about it just makes more sense in the winter...heaviness, epicness, snow, etc. It just puts a different mood on everything.

So, if you have different music for each season, let's hear it. More so different Symphony X music for different seasons.

For instance:

Winter - all SX, mostly The Odyssey
Spring - possibly Damnation Game if anything
Summer - Paradise Lost, (V)
Fall - not really

Yay for new threads without 46 pages!
As strange as this may sound, I always seem to enjoy the SX (And most other bands) albums in the seasons I bought them. I'll remember listening to an album for the first time when it was snowing outside or hot as hell etc and subconsciously listen to it more. Or something like that.

My grandma bought me V about 4 years ago on Christmas eve. I remember hearing Communion and the Oracle for the first time that night..:yow: Definitely a winter album.

I bought DWOT on a hot summer day a few years ago at Best Buy. So... It's a summer album.

The Odyssey (Along with DT's Awake) was the first prog metal album I ever bought back in the fall of 2003. Although, I didn't start getting into it until winter because it was too heavy at first...:eek:

Paradise Lost is a definite summer album. I bought it the morning it came out and blasted it my car for a week.:worship:
I agree with this thoery, much more into metal in the winter, heat of the summer some, maybe more in the fall. I get all mushy and stuff in the spring, I want to listen to upbeat music when the weathers fine, sun shining, birds chirpin... Im a real sap when Im not pissed off
Communion and the Oracle feels like a real Spring song for me, the music just sounds refreshing, like breathing in mountain air or something.

i allways listen to it when i have a hangover.
Don't have seasons. I don't have a circular musical taste either.... it just keeps going deeper. Because of that I hardly listen to Symphony X anymore. These days its stuff like Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, because I find it more interesting.
I agree with this thoery, much more into metal in the winter, heat of the summer some, maybe more in the fall. I get all mushy and stuff in the spring, I want to listen to upbeat music when the weathers fine, sun shining, birds chirpin... Im a real sap when Im not pissed off

I'm with you there. I kinda just listen to rock/folk in the spring and summer mostly.

Paradise Lost is a definite summer album. I bought it the morning it came out and blasted it my car for a week.:worship:

Paradise Lost is a total summer album, for sure. Which definitely relates to when I bought it. And the feel is just...less majestic to me. Thus, less winter.
I liked metal when I was working in the woods, its exemplified the pace and energy, but I didnt listen to it via electrical means... it just pounded through my head all day long... twas great... came up with alot of good riffs and ideas with a chainsaw in my hands... which was cool and made sense because it fits right in with the sword
I don't think the music I listen is connected to seasons.

Different styles and bands just come and go (sometimes stay) and it has nothing to do with seasons in my case... Maybe more with personal experiences, not sure.
Eyeball Kid has this weird thing where he can only listen to certain Symphony X songs in the winter. It's funny to make him listen to Accolade II in the summer and watch him flip out.

That said, I do believe there are some Symphony X songs that lend themselves to different seasons and weather patterns. Below are examples:

Through the Looking Glass
Paradise Lost (song)
The Accolade

Most of Paradise Lost (album)
Most of V

Most of Damnation Game (album)
The Divine Wings of Tragedy (song)
King of Terrors
(Fall)en (no pun intended)

A Winter's Dream (obviously)
Lady of the Snow (obviously)
Accolade II
Candlelight Fantasia
The Sacrifice
Revelation (Divus Pennae ex Tragoedia)
Church of the Machine

Keep in mind that different seasons raise different emotions in everyone, and thus, these emotions coincide with the songs they find to have emotions that pertain to the season in question.
Yeah seasons isn't really affect me i don't think, but I get inspired if an artist is coming or is releasing new material or something and then go and listen to all their stuff until that event... I usually listen to whole albums at a time as well...

For example, Opeth is coming in September, so I've got all their albums from Still Life onwards on my mp3 player, and I'm listening to them alot, but before that it was all Dream Theater until they came back in January, and new cd's, I listen to those obviously, and they're coming in pretty frequently...
Seasons don't really affect what I listen to or when I listen to it. I guess the only ones that have a special attachment to a season are Divine Wings of Tragedy and The Odyssey. Those were the first two SX albums I got, so I naturally associate them with the time I got them: Divine Wings in late fall, Odyssey in early summer. Just the concept of "Odyssey" or great journey reminded me of the travel and new adventures ahead (summertime, when I finished college). Otherwise, I listen to the band's stuff all year long!
Yeah seasons isn't really affect me i don't think, but I get inspired if an artist is coming or is releasing new material or something and then go and listen to all their stuff until that event... I usually listen to whole albums at a time as well...

For example, Opeth is coming in September, so I've got all their albums from Still Life onwards on my mp3 player, and I'm listening to them alot, but before that it was all Dream Theater until they came back in January, and new cd's, I listen to those obviously, and they're coming in pretty frequently...

:headbang: Win

Where's My Arms, Your Hearse? :p
:headbang: Win

Where's My Arms, Your Hearse? :p

well that was actually the first of their albums I heard, but haven't got around to getting it... I've got all their albums from Still Life, but not any of the first three, I've always been more into prog, and not really into death/black-metal, and I've always been a bit concerned that that early stage they were still a bit too much into being gr1m and fro$tb1tteN... Probably will get them at some stage though...
Seasons probably have more of an effect on what I jam to I guess, for the sole reason that shredding is way more difficult in winter due to it being often quite cold. It usually takes at least 30mins to warm up my fingers for piano.... probably not too much for guitar tho.
Eyeball Kid has this weird thing where he can only listen to certain Symphony X songs in the winter. It's funny to make him listen to Accolade II in the summer and watch him flip out.

That said, I do believe there are some Symphony X songs that lend themselves to different seasons and weather patterns. Below are examples:

Through the Looking Glass
Paradise Lost (song)
The Accolade

Most of Paradise Lost (album)
Most of V

Most of Damnation Game (album)
The Divine Wings of Tragedy (song)
King of Terrors
(Fall)en (no pun intended)

A Winter's Dream (obviously)
Lady of the Snow (obviously)
Accolade II
Candlelight Fantasia
The Sacrifice
Revelation (Divus Pennae ex Tragoedia)
Church of the Machine

Keep in mind that different seasons raise different emotions in everyone, and thus, these emotions coincide with the songs they find to have emotions that pertain to the season in question.

I just see no connection whatsoever with the seasons and songs listed (except for the one's marked with "obviously"). But that's just me.
I don't think seasons or any other weather pattern orientation effect what I listen to. I generally find my self listening to about 2 or 3 bands at a time for varying lengths of time.

For instance last month it was mainly Arsis and Evergrey, whereas recently it's been Circus Maximus, Edguy and Bloodbath.
I guess it kinda depends. I see a lot of people say that seasons have no effect on your musical many of you guys listen to lots of styles of music? I mean, if you generally listen to only metal, I can see why your tastes wouldn't change much.

It seems like those who listen to many different genres have more moods (musically), which I guess makes sense. True? Yay, nay?