Sy-X @ BB King's in NYC

J-Dubya 777

It NEVER ends
Nov 7, 2004
Cheeseland USA
According to an e-mail from Jax, it appears this IS a CONFIRMED date, although there is a conflict of dates 25th vs. 27 IIRC. Jax is looking into it, and I suspect she'll post on it as soon as she knows for sure...

I think they will do a few warm up shows on the east coast to get ready for the European festival dates, and after summer they could do a tour of the states for us, no facts here just my opinion:)
I emailed the venue about the show 'cause I was still insecure, and I still have yet to get a reply, but if Jax and the venue say it's confirmed, than I believe it.

So who should I be looking for at the show?