Sydney folk


Sexy Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
A pub,Perth.
I'll be in your fair city in a coupla weeks-can you recommend any decent rock clubs or pubs?

Anyone who fancies a drink or ten,let me know-Lets see what you Eastern skirts are made of!! :kickass: :D
Come to Canberra, and I'll give it a go.

Sydney sucks balls.

If you want guiness in the city, you'll have to go the rocks, or theres one called the Criterion right next to centrepoint tower, where they only serve guiness in schooners. I think 4 bucks was the asking price.
Shoulda mentioned that I'm gonna be there from Friday 12th until Tuesday 16th.

Timmah - Thanks for the suggestion dude,wish I could make it but I'm gonna be a week late :(

Moony- Dont worry about scraping me off the pavement.I'll have a Post It note stuck to me forehead with my hotels address on it,just point the cab in the right direction :)

Gorey and JBJ - Love to catch up with ya.I'm staying at the North Sydney Harbour Hotel(fuck knows where it is,or how central I'm gonna be)The Sunday afternoons looking like the best bet.Will keep ya's posted :headbang:
Smashed said:
Gorey and JBJ - Love to catch up with ya.I'm staying at the North Sydney Harbour Hotel(fuck knows where it is,or how central I'm gonna be)The Sunday afternoons looking like the best bet.Will keep ya's posted :headbang:
Maybe we'll come back to your hotel after the show and crash your room. We'll just say we're there to see the pissed guy from Perth. I'm sure they'll know who we mean.
Should be bloody huge!

I'm as happy as a one legged lezzo on a pogo stick with the tickets :headbang:

Just gotta use my old trick of screaming "Medic,I need a medic" whilst trampling women and children and I'll be front and centre :D
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Smashed said:
I'll be in your fair city in a coupla weeks-can you recommend any decent rock clubs or pubs?

Anyone who fancies a drink or ten,let me know-Lets see what you Eastern skirts are made of!! :kickass: :D

i'm always ready for a couple of beers.friday night would probably be the only night i could meet up.send me a PM if you like