Symbol of Salvation review at

the magic of the internet, you can insult a reviewer 1st hand instead of just being able to complain to people that had nothing to do with it.

since im very late with my reply you have to click the previously exhumed menu at the top of the page Dan T gave to see his review.

i find the review wishywashy, incomplete and by all appearances unresearched.

you praise the album while simultaneously bashing their previous efforts and no mention is ever made of anything of them doing anything since then. then you do the same with anthrax praiseing and degradeing at the same time saying "John Bush joined Anthrax and brought new life to their tiring formula of commerical thrash"
so what's that say fot the attack of the killer A's? tired, new life to tired trash or doesnt excist in your world? your opening paragraph has this "1. the band had never previously been able to collect together such a high standard of material over one album, relying mainly on 'hits' like 'Can U Deliver' and 'Raising Fear' to carry along their previous efforts " praiseing and degradeing at the same time and it's an incomplete statement. if you are doing a review and YOU bring up past songs in comparison dont you think there should be some type of statement as to what you think is good or bad about the 2 songs that either makes them comparable to the work on SOS or subpar from it? from your writeing there is no way to tell if you are saying those 2 songs stand out or if you are pointing them out to reenforce your opinion on previous material not haveing what you feel is the higher standards of SOS.
a review is an opinion, if you arent going to give yers there's no point of writeing a review. when you praise and degrade 2 bands in the same article it looks like a wishywashy style is your norm-but at least you gave yer opinion.
there's no way to tell what your opinion is from that sentence and no way to clearly know your intended point.

worst things of all...

!.you give the appearence that SOS was the last thing the band did-it isnt. ARMORED SAINT is still around. the new dvd will be out in 2 weeks. even if you think SOS is their best you could make some mention that you think it's better than what theyve done before or since. from your review and the last paragraph in particular if i didnt know better i would think it was the last thing the band ever did and wouldnt realise they are still around 23 years later.

2. SYMBOL OF SALVATION was rereleased february 2003 as a 3cd set. along with the 1991 release the demo of the album with DAVE PRITCHARD's guitar work is included and there is a cd and a half with the bands own insights on makeing the album. not mentioning this makes your review VERY incomplete. it makes you look like you dont know what you are writeing about to the bands bigger fans and to anyone who might be inspired to look for it from your review it can easily create confusion to someone who finds 2 different products.
well well well


1. 'Symbol of Salvation' is the best album the band ever made, new and old records taken into account. Not that the others are below par, just that this outstrips them all.

2. Yes, I am aware the band are still around, looking forward to seeing the DVD.

3. The review was written probably a year ago, or certainly before the reissue with bonus material surfaced. I'm sure that adds even more benefit to the original release for those who missed out first time AND those just discovering it.

4. That was the point of the review - to alert people to the band's best moment, people who might otherwise have passed it by.

5. John Bush is one of Metal's best vocalists and he certainly rescued Anthrax from the Belladona-mire.
you should be a politician, you do a great job of talking around the issues i brought up!

first and formost im sure ya know it's impossible to win arguements about politics, religion or an old metallers all time favorite band. :loco:

1. yer review would of been a better place to say that.

2. since youll probably get a free promo copy gimme one, im poor!

3.i'll take yer word for it even though i think label managers are about as honest as george w bush. but arent people who missed out and people just discovering it the same group?:Smug: (no need to mention your statement is an admission that you havent heard the 3cd set.)

4.i hope you do a better job of selling your bands than you did with yer review!

5.even though it was scott and not really belladona imo "im the man" is the most annoying pile to ever hit a metal album, but we dont need to go there...
john's a great singer, ARMORED SAINT's a great band. everybody has their favorite moments, but anyone who thinks 1 point outstrips all their others has totally missed what the one band who have stayed true to the sound, family, friends and fans they started with is all about. but how would you know that, all the fans of your bands eventually hit puberty and start listening to something more mature:muahaha:
Just marking a moment in time my friend

For me, this albums marks a special place in time for me, reminding me of a certain summer when this album really took a hold of me......I can also fondly recall the bands only (I think) UK show at the Marquee in support of this record which was a mesmerising event in itself.......

I love Armored Saint but I love 'Symbol of Salvation' most of all simply cos its damn near perfect

Just like my other big faves Iron Maiden, Saint Vitus, Metallica, Obituary, Bathory etc etc I support them through good times and patchier times, but I also have my highlights within their total output that I place on a higher pedestal - I think it would be pretty boring to blindly proclaim each and every album as 'their best' if it wasn't......

'listening to something more mature'?? Music ain't cheese...its simply either good or bad.

you should be a politician, you do a great job of talking around the issues i brought up!

first and formost im sure ya know it's impossible to win arguements about politics, religion or an old metallers all time favorite band. :loco:

1. yer review would of been a better place to say that.

2. since youll probably get a free promo copy gimme one, im poor!

3.i'll take yer word for it even though i think label managers are about as honest as george w bush. but arent people who missed out and people just discovering it the same group?:Smug: (no need to mention your statement is an admission that you havent heard the 3cd set.)

4.i hope you do a better job of selling your bands than you did with yer review!

5.even though it was scott and not really belladona imo "im the man" is the most annoying pile to ever hit a metal album, but we dont need to go there...
john's a great singer, ARMORED SAINT's a great band. everybody has their favorite moments, but anyone who thinks 1 point outstrips all their others has totally missed what the one band who have stayed true to the sound, family, friends and fans they started with is all about. but how would you know that, all the fans of your bands eventually hit puberty and start listening to something more mature:muahaha:
JonnyD said:
Dillinger hahahahaha Well I just knew that the Biggest Armored Saint fan alive would tear apart a review he didnt like :grin: its the best kind of reading!
actually i was trying to be nice. mark finds out ive been picking on his best customers again he's gonna do more than call me a bastard this time:loco:

it's great that the guys are finally getting some attention, but it would be better if that attention wasnt half assed & flakey...

the little band that wouldnt die has the biggest cajones around! what kinda fan would i be if i didnt stand guard to THE GUARDS THEMSELVES?
ARMORED is the old schools honor guard. the real fun is going to be if somebody tries talking shit and i dont have to try to pretend im rational or have any manners and i cant get the shit flying like the band gets the bodies flyin when they play madhouse:muahaha:

You're the youth bangers fight forever more
[font=Arial,Helvetica]Raise your golden hammer bring it down like Thor[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]Ooh the force is going to bring us victory[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]No foe or rival will stop the energy[/font]

[font=Arial,Helvetica]It's a vital mistake[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]To try to brawl with the brave[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]The storm just breaks out in rage[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]Oh then it's time to release the martyrs on your mind[/font]

[font=Arial,Helvetica]It's the march of the saint, march of the saint[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]March of the saint, march of the saint[/font]

[font=Arial,Helvetica]Clench your fist a battle's on the way[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]Shout the truth metal's here to claim the day[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]Hear the crowd's mighty roar[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]It verifies assurance that we won another war[/font]

[font=Arial,Helvetica]It's a vital mistake[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]To try to brawl with the brave[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]The storm just breaks out in rage[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]Oh then it's time to release the martyrs on your mind[/font]

[font=Arial,Helvetica]It's the march of the saint, march of the saint[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]March of the saint, march of the saint[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]March of the saint, march of the saint[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]March of the saint, march of the saint[/font]

[font=Arial,Helvetica]It's a vital mistake[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]To try to brawl with the brave[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]The storm just breaks out in rage[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]Oh then it's time to release the martyrs on your mind[/font] IT'S THE MARCH OF THE SAINT
Razorhead95 said:
I don't know, I don't think you can eat music.

you eat cheese, yer in luck-i just cut it!

i could eat the guys from korn but what's the point of gay sex if you have it with sissygirliemen? and whats up with them dreadlocks? they wannabe bob marleys illegimate retarded whiteboy stepsons? i got the answer to all korn's problems, you find it at the supermarket in the soap isle. get some irish spring and wash their grodey asses! irish spring, manly yes, but they'll like it too!