Symphonic Black Metal band Eclipse Eternal


New Metal Member
Nov 25, 2003
Toronto Canada
For those who revel in symphonic black metal with epic qualities then go to eather of the links below:

Eclipse Eternal MP3 site
or go to the official website
Below are reviews of our aural violence:

Bw&Bk No. 73

"Born to destroy the illusions of religious facade," Eclipse Eternal is ready to fill the void created by Immortal's demise. The trio of Voldamares Gollum, Wulfgar and Lord Abaddon set out to "make the most epic magestic warring black metal album" and they have succeeded. Engineered, mixed and produced by Glen Drover (guitarist of Eidolon) the band has seemlessly intertwined Emperer and Satyricon, thereby forging their own impenetrable chain mail. An invigorating battle cry that goes far beyond church burning, this is the voice of chaos weilding the mightiest sword, set to dethrone god himself. Diabolical but divulged...

The determination and drive that surges from the self-titled release by Eclipse Eternal is nothing short of impressive. What you have here is a fiery horde of black metal warriors galloping in full stride, leading their massive campaign of oaths, destruction and a war with mankind, an attack so calculated and demanding that you'd wonder just how such a powerful form of expression is kept so in line. The answer: talent. While the band is still young (having started in 1999) the band has quickly amassed a steadfast approach to playing black metal, a comforting quality that emanates deeply from within their core sound. This isn't forced or trendy—this is black metal with confidence. Praise must also be given to producer Glen Drover (Ex-King Diamond. Eidolon), as he managed to really get a good raw vibe out of the band, but didn't weigh it down with studio knob-twirling or lame overdubs, gadgetry, et cetera. Epic. Fierce. Black metal. Numbers like the stunning closer "Awaken Ye Lorde of Dark" and "Reign of the Unholy Blackened Empire" are worthy of note as they truly crush the drivel of mainstream metal to the ground. Fast, furious and raging like hell has been let loose, Eclipse Eternal are bringing an abundance of thirst and hunger to the Canadian black metal scene. -8.5-

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