Symphonic black metal


^Thats a great fuckin album

^Thats a great fuckin album

That album is complete garbage. Their first three are among the best of the genre, though, along with Emperor's first two albums. Arcturus' Aspera Hiems Symphonia for sure.

As for bands outside of Norway, I do really enjoy Bishop of Hexen's The Nightmarish Compositions and Kataxu's Hunger of Elements.
This whole album is great.

Old Mans Child have some great albums as well. My favourites are probably In Defiance of Existence and Vermin. I enjoy Stormblast MMV by Dimmu Borgir as well and a few songs from their other albums.

Edit: Just read that Obsidian Gate got back together and it looks like they rerecorded The Nightspectral Voyage or a new album which ill be looking forward to. I always enjoyed symphonic black metal but its been kind of ignored the past few years.
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A couple good recommendations have already been made. I may accidentally repeat some but I really like the genre... and it's sadly nearly dead except for Carach Angren

Carach Angren - Anything

Obtained Enslavement - Soulblight

Limbonic Art - Moon in the Scorpio

Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns

Kataxu - Hunger of the Elements

Summoning - Lugburz

Pensees Nocturnes - Vacuum (maybe classical and not symphonic, but fucking worth it)

Emperor - I dont like Emperor as much as some people who like this genre do, but In the Nightside Eclipse is wonderful
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Obsidian Gate - The Nightspectral Voyage (Holy shit pyro I hope they didnt ruin this. I've wanted it on cd for years)

Anorexia Nervosa - Drudenhaus

Bal-Sagoth - Starfire Burning Upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of Ultima Thule

Vesania - God the Lux/Anything

And last but most definitely not least....
... And Oceans - The Dynamic Gallery of Thought

Hope someone enjoys this stuff. I put way too much time/effort in to these two posts... and I'm sure I still missed a few.
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Obsidian Gate is so fucking good.

Props for those who mentioned Arcturus, Nokturnal Mortum, and Summoning. Emperor's first two are great, but I find myself listening to the aforementioned acts more.
Does Persistence by Crystalic fall into this category? I'm not great with genres. Or is it melodic death rather than symphonic black?
A couple good recommendations have already been made. I may accidentally repeat some but I really like the genre... and it's sadly nearly dead except for Carach Angren

Emperor - I dont like Emperor as much as some people who like this genre do, but In the Nightside Eclipse is wonderful

All great suggestions. Emperor's Anthems is amazing too, but I didn't get it for a while. Took about 5 listens.

Hellveto are amazing if you can get into the sound. They have a very consistent discography, but the problem is that none of their albums really stick out so it's hard to figure out where to start. I'd say Autumnal Night for beginners.
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Obsidian Gate - The Nightspectral Voyage (Holy shit pyro I hope they didnt ruin this. I've wanted it on cd for years)

Anorexia Nervosa - Drudenhaus

Bal-Sagoth - Starfire Burning Upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of Ultima Thule

Vesania - God the Lux/Anything

And last but most definitely not least....
... And Oceans - The Dynamic Gallery of Thought

Hope someone enjoys this stuff. I put way too much time/effort in to these two posts... and I'm sure I still missed a few.
Good selections Krow!
Sear Bliss
Summoning (any, you literally can't go wrong)

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I'm not sure if I'd consider Summoning symphonic black metal. I'm not a huge fan of the genre but there are definitely some worthy gems. Here are some of my favorites.

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