Symphonic/digital sounding metal composition

Igor Samurovic

Be careful how you grip!
Dec 15, 2011
I actually used Slayer 2 by ReFX here, mostly for composition purposes, later it turned out I actually like how it sounds (against all odds, it's sorta dubstepish on nonmuted notes!). Drums are SD 2, obviously, synths are some free ones I've scavanged around the net. Bass guitar is also Slayer 2.

Guitar chain:
Slayer 2 ReFX (VSTi) into ReaEQ (to fix the incredibly shitty 'di') > x50 (love you, onqel :*) > s-preshigh > ReaEQ (notches honkyness a bit) > ReQ 2 (120/16000 bandpass)

Bass guitar chain:
Slayer 2 > some compression and EQ, I really like this digital sounding zing

I am mostly asking for feedback on the composition, much less on the mix.