Symphonic Piano Dragonforce

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
This guy programmed the whole thing and doesn't actually play a note. It still sounds very cool to me though especially the fact that he programmed the vocal lines. I'd love to hear a big 60 piece orchestra do Dragonforce covers judging by this. The melodies sound more epic when not sung.

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Great find - thanks for sharing those!

I really enjoyed those. It's nice to kinda step back from the craziness of the normal album version and really listen to the music, the harmonies, the lines...

Very calming, soothing, and inspirational, and damn catchy - a tribute to DF's song writing skills!
BTW, if they go with a relative unknown for their new singer, they could do a lot worse than this guy. Good audition!

Yeah that guy is not too bad but he's still a long way from being good enough IMO. His voice sounds very whiny on the high parts and just isn't powerful enough. I don't know why they just don't ask Daniel Heiman. He's not in any band and maybe he can be tempted back to metal. If this happened Dragonforce could release a totally mind blowing album. This guy Eli Prinsen seems to be the best audition I have seen on YT.


P1driftfiend - Glad you like these versions. They are very cool and like you said listening to the actual melody lines brings out the quality of the songwriting more.
If Heiman wanted it, I'm sure he'd be the guy without any further ado. But he doesn't seem all that interested in power metal, and even if they did manage to get him, would he stay for more than an album?

Prinsen's a better singer, but I think the other guy is a better performer and only slightly less good. There's a pretty awesome female audition on Youtube to if they want to be bold and take a chance.

I think it's pretty cool that Dragonforce is doing such a public audition process. It would actually be a bit of a letdown if they just got a high profile singer after going to all that trouble.