Symphony Of Destruction Cover


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Ok, so my buddy Johan (Swami on here) recorded guitars and bass for this, I did all the drums and the mix. Usual chain for Guitars pretty much, Bass is Pod X3, Drums are my usual S2.0 and the Starclassic samples instead of S2.0's Kick and Snare, let me know what you think!

Also wondering if anyone feels like knocking out some vocals for this to finish it off? Let me know if anyone's interested.

Hi COBHC. Im a huge Megadeth fan. In can tell you in my humble opinion that the drums, specially the snare has got too much reverb. The solo needs to be more in front the mix it is like a little lost behind the all sound. Its well played and you did a great work !

Thanx for hearing (reading) me.
Dari, from Argentina.
Well if that's all I need to fix, then I consider it a good attempt! I agree about the reverb on the drums (something I was mulling over numerous times, and then didn't do much about!), and I can always notch the solo up a little too!
Well played!

My humble opinion if you want it: I think the bass could be a bit louder, the guitars are too boomy in the low end department.
I still feel the guitars to bumpy in the low end, and too loud. I'd bring the guitars down 'till they peak lower than the snare.
The song is well played ;-)