Symphony X on tour 2003 - Unite fellow SX'ers

Alexander TG

The literate drummer
Mar 23, 2003
E. London
Visit site
As we all know Symphony are touring again and I'd like to know who's goin and if we can get a gig report from each destination so if you are going I wanna 1000 word report on what happened from all of ya or I'll send the boyz round.

I got me tickets for the opening show right here in London on Oct 18th so if you live in the UK I wanna see ya there because they need our support, that goes for all Eurotrash and yanks when SX are on your turf, if you see me there you can kick the shit outta me, little incentive to get of your asses and support the band.

Lets make this fuckin tour a success.
The shows which I will be going and potentially be going to:

Farmingdale- I'll do my damndest to make it to that one.

New Haven- If I can help it and I'm gonna try to get this girl to go too from Fairfield.

Jax- That one is gonna be the toughest to make, but I'm gonna try to work out what I can.

BB King's- If it ever gets fucking confirmed, I'll DEFINITELY be there.

L'Amours- Oh yeah.

You bet your ass I'm gonna try to make it to all 5 ahows.:)
So far i'll be goin' to the 2 shows in Canada, the one in cincinnati, one in Cleveland, Hopefully the one in Detroit, and pittsburg..

Thats my goal,,cool huh? :) can't wait!
I've been writing about each SymX show I've seen and so the next three I see will certainly be added to the memoir on my website. I'll be attending Eindoven Holland Oct 20th, then Milwaukee and Chicago in November. I will be a writing fool...I love it!
BB King's has been cancelled, and now L'amours is up. I'm gonna do my best to get to both NY shows. Fuck that. I'm gonna be at both NY shows. Any other LI'ers wanna give a nice guy like me a ride? I'll pay for gas... :)
Well done guys, hardcore.

You get extra bonus points if you bring along non-fans because they are potential fans. Drag along your mates or significant other, just do all you can to make up the numbers

I've managed to drag along two other guys with me so I'm winning, any advance on two?
Non-fans, huh? I'm like the local Symphony X PR guy! :) I'm bringing my brother who I force to listen to them, my drummer who I just got into them, and my other friend who has only heard a few songs through me. And that's ONLY the beginning. I'll be bringing like 8 people to the Cleveland and Pittsburgh dates!
Me and Yngster are going to the CT show - I dunno if i'll make any NY or MA shows ,that remains to be seen. I'll gladly write 1000 words on the concert. edited by : Yngster [**inside** joke, dont ask]
SilentRealm said:
i'm bringing people to the australian show ..

Have they ever toured Australia? If not, I don't think a mini-tour with a few dates would hurt. How's the SyX fan base down under?