Synapse Defect - Conspiracy to Overthrow...


Autopsy Obsessed
May 3, 2005
Synapse Defect – Conspiracy to Overthrow...
By Jason Wick


Today’s current underground metal scene is swarming with extreme acts; all of which seem to be pushing to become the most brutal thing since sliced cheese. In many and (sadly) most cases this results in bands making ‘music’ lacking basic structure, sense, and comprehension. There are a few ensembles that manage to assemble a strong, cohesive effort towards progressing into a more punishing, ferocious terrain. Case in point: Synapse Defect.

With the groups’ release of Conspiracy to Overthrow, Synapse Defect have proven they’re valuable asset to their perspective genre. Delivering on many separate levels their music tests the boundaries of brutality while adding a refreshingly well done tech-death flare. The tech feel etched beneath both fast, punishing verse’s and slow, pounding passages proves to add another dimension to their craft. Combine these elements with the bands well laid out, formulated song structure and smart, albeit aggro driven lyrics and you have a quite unique, delectable outcome.

Synapse Defect’s mathematical approach to brutality provides the listener with a variety of rhythms to bang their head and displace their neck to, while leaving impressively memorable moments highlighted within all of their songs. Kudos to Maximus and the other alias’s that this band consists of, for they found a place in my thrashy play-lists.

Official Synapse Defect Website
Official Synapse Defect MySpace