Systematic Productions (Ermin H) Mixing/Mastering Service


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
The regulars here would know me as the guy with too much time on his hands to post, but in the real world I lead a double life, striving relentlessly to fight the evils of mediocre record production!

I run a registered, owner-operated audio production business called Systematic Productions, which is essentially just a legit name for my own skill set - which, relevantly to many of you, would encompass mixing & mastering.

I'm not so great at the whole 'sell thyself' thing - but what I can do is list a couple of points for you all:

  • I'm a senior member here, having been on the board for well over half a decade.
  • My work is some of the most well-regarded by the regulars.
  • Most of my former clients will tell you that the quality of product they received was far out of proportion to the relatively minimal cost.
  • Many producers associate themselves with a sonic identity. I only associate myself with products that sound 'right' for the artist at hand. I will not stamp my identity onto you; I will find a way to bring yours out in the best light possible.
  • Artists request my services from all over the globe, many times to equate to or improve upon services rendered in their own home countries.
  • I'm always looking for clients external to Australia, and happy to cut deals in exchange for increased exposure.
  • Major label results at independent rates? You decide.

You can validate the points for yourself simply by taking the banner link in my signature. There you will get a run-down of the business, methods, equipment etc. but most importantly you will find audible samples of prior work.

I work on many, many different kinds of music, and part of my assets is the ability to be flexible. Having said that, the kind of artists that normally seek me out are ones requiring a high-fidelity end product, rivaling major releases.

Thanks for your time :)
* My work is some of the most well-regarded by the regulars.
It sure is!
* Most of my former clients will tell you that the quality of product they received was far out of proportion to the relatively minimal cost.
I would certainly say so.
* Artists request my services from all over the globe, many times to equate to or improve upon services rendered in their own home countries.
That was definitely one important reason why we were seeking someone outside our country (the OP) to work with us.
* Major label results at independent rates? You decide.
Everybody who heard the stuff Ermin did for us said so and that included industry professionals.

Just in case anybody wonders: No, I don't get paid for writing this post! I'd just like to say that Ermin is great to work with. He takes his time to get things right for his clients. The quality of his work speaks for itself anyway.

I really hope that I'll still be able to afford Ermins service the next time I need someone to mix a project.

Tbh I'm a bit surprised you post this here. I mean all the regulars know you already and I figured you'd be booked weeks in advance anyway?

A sidenote regarding that third quote: I'm sure if you were in LA or NY it would improve your bargaining power even more. In our case everybody was already impressed enough with the international approach of the whole project (Aussie mix, mastered in the US). But if I were on the next level as a professional musician or a band being able to claim your song or record was mixed in LA or NY would surely improve the possibilities to impress fans and media alike. I know that it's all about the quality and I feel sorry that things like where you come from even matter in this world but they do. In the big picture I can't think of anything relevant to the music industry that comes from Australia other than AC/DC, Wolfmother and SAE more or less (However that was founded by an Austrian guy...). Nick Cave I'm not sure if he's from downunder as well? Anyway, you get the point.

To get to the point of this: If you need someone to mix a project and you need it to sound top notch get in touch with Ermin. Seriously.
You guys are too good. Thanks so much.

Hands of Despair, next year is really good for me. I'll be spending most of this year finishing up a number of full lengths, so chances are the schedule would have caused a delay. I'd much rather you guys take your time and be truly happy with your recordings. I really look forward to it!

@Headcrusher: Thanks so much. I still remember the Good Will Out mix/editing/production with fondness. It gave me the room to get a little bit more creative with FX, and that's always a nice bonus. I'm glad that the production was well received for you guys over in Austria. That's really heartening to hear.
+666 for Ermz. I really look forward to what you do with our full length man, it should kick all kinds of arse. You are one of the only guys I've met with the drive and determination to not only making a name for yourself, but the dedication you show to bettering yourself each and everyday with each and every mix you do. It's a very attractive quality ( i mean that from a client perspective of course ;) )

If you want someone who's going to treat your music as his own and show it the love it deserves, he's your man :)
I have never worked with the guy, but I have been listening to his mixing skills get better and better for years now. Whenever I get done making some music and think the audio quality is pretty good I then listen to one of his mixes and feel like crap.:lol:
^^^ Why bother with a website when all the required info/ fancy crap can be hosted efficiently and for free on MySpace???? It really isn't even worth the effort building a site when you can just visit the myspace and BAM click a song/ see some fancy gay ass studio gallery shit and bobs your uncle.

People are simple, MySpace takes full advantage of that :)
^^^ Why bother with a website when all the required info/ fancy crap can be hosted efficiently and for free on MySpace???? It really isn't even worth the effort building a site when you can just visit the myspace and BAM click a song/ see some fancy gay ass studio gallery shit and bobs your uncle.

People are simple, MySpace takes full advantage of that :)

Yeah, have both.
Pretty much. I've owned a domain for some years now. I also own the URL, as you might have noticed, but I just have it redirect to the myspace because... well, quite simply it tells you everything you need to know. You've got the blurb on what I do, you've got the equipment (though it's a bit out dated at the moment) and you've got all the recent clips, news, contact etc. Hard to justify going with a full-fledged page when it would just recycle the same info.

And thanks again!
Ermz; can you send me some quotes for track mixing. Due to start recording our next album in 2011, and I've been considering getting someone else to mix the damn thing! :lol:
^^^ Why bother with a website when all the required info/ fancy crap can be hosted efficiently and for free on MySpace???? It really isn't even worth the effort building a site when you can just visit the myspace and BAM click a song/ see some fancy gay ass studio gallery shit and bobs your uncle.

People are simple, MySpace takes full advantage of that :)

Interseting school of thought, I personally couldn't disagree more with you though, mate. Would you say that Myspace isn't dead in Australia? I know a lot of people in the States still think of it as a useful tool but to many people here near London - its dead. Blog-orientated sites are undoubtedly the next big thing (à la Twitter) which is why I'm having that feature built in to my site. 1 Simple front page with regular updates and an embedded player.

Anyway sorry for the OT Ermz (think of this as a free bump :devil:), I still have you in mind for mixing my band's CD (which has now turned into an album after we intended on an EP!).
Nunors... nice.

Cheers AEL. Hope the recording process for that one goes well for you. I still maintain that the Myspace page does everything I need it to for now. I have nothing to tweet or blog about on a regular basis, so all the functions are quite adequate. It's not like you have to be a member to view it or anything!
Well in these last 2 and a half months I was forced to ditch the Myspace after all due to their retarded design alteration. Official site, twitter and facebook are now active!

Anyhow this is just an update to say that I'm available for projects after May at this point, so if anybody has anything they want booked, now is the time to do it. There are a few full lengths floating around on the horizon and I'm thinking they could drop at any point, thus occupying me until late 2011.

Cheers guys, thanks for the ongoing support and all that.
This thread is coming up to its anniversary, if that doesn't merit a necro-bump, then I don't know what does!

Those aforementioned full lengths did 'drop' after all, and they're presently occupying me until the end of 2011. I'm taking bookings for February and beyond though, so if you're interested please get in touch ahead of time. Lead time here is normally running about 3 months in advance!

Here are some excerpts of records done in the time between now and when this thread was first created:




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