T-Shirt idea

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
Note: Sard can mean being lazy, or not caring. I use it and follow it often.

[6:49pm] <NL_Capone> Poison Sardmachine
[6:49pm] <NL_Capone> That's me.
[6:50pm] <Malergion> Did you get infections from just sitting there or something?
[6:50pm] <NL_Capone> No, my sard is infectious.
[6:50pm] <NL_Capone> I sit, and other see me sit.
[6:50pm] <NL_Capone> and then they sit
[6:50pm] <Malergion> And soon the whole world is sitting?
[6:50pm] <NL_Capone> Yes, so I have to move occasionally.
[6:51pm] <NL_Capone> so everyone doesn't sard.
[6:58pm] <NL_Capone> hey
[6:58pm] <NL_Capone> Glenn
[6:58pm] <NL_Capone> what if I bought a Poison Godmachine shirt
[6:58pm] <NL_Capone> but covered "God" with the word "Sard"

What do all of you think of my "Poison Sardmachine" idea?