Tacere - Beautiful Darkness


makes you eat dead things
Aug 21, 2007
grendel's mothers cave
Tacere - Beautiful Darkness
Suomen Metalli Musiikki - 2007
By Axemaiden


Tacere as a group and as a solo project has existed in many forms and with different line-up changes since roughly 2002. Originally named Tacet Lacrimae, it was the baby and brainchild of singer Karri Knuuttila, who decided that the music had the strength to be supported by a full band. Beautiful Darkness is the first full length album to be released and this offering sees the group gain even more ground within Europe and oddly enough Japan (where they are pretty huge!)

The fact that Tacere in recent years has featured both a male and female lead singer has earned them constant comparisons to bands such as Nightwish, but aside from the fact that both groups would probably fall somewhere into the 'symphonic heavy metal' category, Tacere are not a blind Nightwish rip-off, its pretty obvious that their musical inspirations are very different. For a start, they are much heavier and darker in places, drawing upon influences and bearing similarities to bands as diverse as Sonata Arctica, Dream Theater (especially regarding the complex technicality of the guitars and song structures), Cradle Of Filth (which is reflected in the heaviness of the music and the use of haunting piano and string melodies) and Paradise Lost and in fact Karri Knuutilla's singing style bears quite striking vocal similarities to Nick Holmes.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the band seem to be having quite a few difficulties, their most recent Myspace post has announced that Helena Haaparanta has left (which is a shame as she has a fantastic voice) and that they are currently looking for a new female singer. It also strangely enough says (again on their Myspace) that they are not signed to a record label, but this is hopefully an error and not an indication of more difficulties for the group. Hopefully 2008 will see them returning stronger and even better than before.

Official Bandname Website
Official Band Myspace
Official Labelname Website