Tad Morose interview

Tänk om du skulle hitta en magisk flaska av valfridryck under en förhoppningsvis stundande turné som säger att du får önska dig vad som helst (förutom fler önskningar). Vad skulle du då önska dig?
Fler lika flaskor…..

:devil: :headbang:
Krunt outsmarted you! :D
Other than that I can only say that it's always nice getting to read what's going on with the band.
Josephus said:
Anything special about the new album or Joe Comeau that we non swedish-speaking-people should know?

Nothing that special I think.
They have some stuff finished but it's too early for album or song titles although they recently played one new track live which is entitled "Speak For The Dying". No idea about a release date either.
The guys are in touch through (surprise, surprise) email and telephone calls