'Tage Mahal--three times the fun!


Jan 15, 2004
Decatur, GA
Check this out! Impressive...

SAVATAGE mainmanm Jon Oliva and his 'TAGE MAHAL side-project have announced details of a three-record series to be released over the next few years via SPV.

Oliva's website says: "'Tage Mahal and SPV records are proud to announce the beginning of what will now be a three-record series released over the next few years. Metal-lovers all over the globe can expect the first release of Volume I in September/October of this year followed by a systematic and timely release of the following two records. Jon has already begun writing music for Volume II. There are plans to begin work on the second release in December 2004, with the very real goal of releasing the second installment in time to perform at some of the major European festivals for 2005. Volume III will follow along the same time line as I and II. Once that task has been complete, 'Tage Mahal will release a box-set of all three volumes along with DVDs of both live performances and the comedic studio/touring footage from those three records. Volume I is now mixed/mastered and we hope to announce an official release in the coming weeks. The artwork is near completion and once SPV has received the "complete package", they will set the release date for the debut album from 'Tage Mahal."

--from BW&BK
I'm happy as hell for the recognition, but I hope I'm not about to mourn the death of Savatage...

I've got to receive that news with a certain amount of ambivalence...mostly cuz they've been promising a new Savatage album, plus a new TSO (X-mas), then a non X-mas album, then a TSO Beethoven tour, plus the whole C2C and 'Tage debacle......

In light of fact that Caffrey's got his solo project coming up and the fact the Savatage seems willing to relegate themselves to a "classic" act when they have a completely solid line-up for the future...and even Jon (as of last year's pre-party), makes vague promises regarding Savatage...

Who's to say where the priorities lie anymore?

Fuck...where's a fan to stand...? What's the scoop?
ashaman7122 said:
...mostly cuz they've been promising a new Savatage album, plus a new TSO (X-mas), then a non X-mas album, then a TSO Beethoven tour, plus the whole C2C and 'Tage debacle......

...and even Jon (as of last year's pre-party), makes vague promises regarding Savatage...
Uhh, yeah, come to think of it there was a Savatage album promised in 2005. Where is that going to fit in? And I do remember Jon skirting the topic a little at the pre-party last year (but maybe that was from the extra-strong drink you ordered him :grin: ).

Hmm...now I'm wondering if this was great news after all...:confused:...anybody out there have any more info?

Perhaps I can offer some information straight from Mr. Oliva,

Savatage is approaching their 25th anniversary, and Jon completely understands how significant that is for any band and the fan's.
The enthusiasm for putting out a release to commemorate that accomplishment is still a priority as was mentioned on a live web-chat several months ago. However, there are alot of factors involved with any Savatage release. Producer Paul O'Neil is a significant part of that equation. With the release of TSO's new christmas record as well as other project's he is working on, the release of a 25th Anniversary record is still in the works for late 2005, as Jon has refered to in recent statement's. So combined with those factor's it leaves time for Oliva and Caffery to produce solo records at whatever pace allow's them to. Jon and the rest of us live in the same area of FL.. It is easy for us to get together and work on his new idea's and prepare them quickly for any recording's he may want to do. Thus, we will be able to put out records a bit quicker, while not hindering the process that is necessary for a Savatage release.

In the meantime, Jon hopes everyone is enthusiastic about the 'Tage Mahal release as well as Chris Caffery's release in 2005. Jon has alot of material just waiting for us to put on tape. And it will be delivered in whatever form possible. Savatage is not dead!

We look forward to performing the new material in Hotlanta, :hotjump: , very soon!

Hope this helps!
Kong said:
Perhaps I can offer some information straight from Mr. Oliva,

Savatage is approaching their 25th anniversary, and Jon completely understands how significant that is for any band and the fan's.
The enthusiasm for putting out a release to commemorate that accomplishment is still a priority as was mentioned on a live web-chat several months ago. However, there are alot of factors involved with any Savatage release. Producer Paul O'Neil is a significant part of that equation. With the release of TSO's new christmas record as well as other project's he is working on, the release of a 25th Anniversary record is still in the works for late 2005, as Jon has refered to in recent statement's. So combined with those factor's it leaves time for Oliva and Caffery to produce solo records at whatever pace allow's them to. Jon and the rest of us live in the same area of FL.. It is easy for us to get together and work on his new idea's and prepare them quickly for any recording's he may want to do. Thus, we will be able to put out records a bit quicker, while not hindering the process that is necessary for a Savatage release.

In the meantime, Jon hopes everyone is enthusiastic about the 'Tage Mahal release as well as Chris Caffery's release in 2005. Jon has alot of material just waiting for us to put on tape. And it will be delivered in whatever form possible. Savatage is not dead!

We look forward to performing the new material in Hotlanta, :hotjump: , very soon!

Hope this helps!
*Whew* ...breathing easier now. I was hoping you would see the post and clear up all of this. Of course we knew Savatage wasn't dead--I think we were just wondering how long the hibernation would be. :grin: Thanks!

...and now we wait!
Of course I'm stoked for the 'Tage Mahal and Caffrey material as well as the new TSO stuff, they just seem to keep pushing Savatage back. Wasn't the new Savatage supposed to be in spring '04?

I understand that with the many projects, committment with planning, writing, recording, and touring can eat up big chunks of time, I was just looking forward to new Sava material.

Can't wait 'til PP5!!!!
Yeah...Savatage is the band that got me into metal and to buy a guitar (I came in right around time Poets and Madmen was released), so it's sad to see that no new release has come since I've gotten into metal. =-(

I'm also concerned about Savatage due to the fact there was the whole issue of the sudden firing of Jack Frost, and replacement by Al Pitrelli (whom I love), yet to my knowledge Pitrelli hasn't been on stage with them again yet. (I could be wrong - but I don't remember Pitrelli going to the Criss Oliva concert - right?) And now it's not the lineup of Savatage that is playing at PP. Not complaining - but just the signs...

Because if anyone remembers Stratovarius before the whole breakup occured, they stopped touring with lineup, took long break from albums, etc. Than after we learned the details that there were some problems going on...

I don't know. Not trying to stir any fire, just stating my thoughts. Probably 80% of me believes that this next Savatage release in '2005' will be the last one. Unless Savatage parts ways with Paul O'Neil being a crucial part of the writing team, then Savatage is going to get forced out - as TSO just keeps getting bigger and bigger and less and less time for O'Neil.

Oh well, I'm still looking forward to Caffery's and Oliva's solo efforts...

Hopefully they'll be able to find time to work together again and create some killer Dr. Butcher material! \m/

I can dream...:)
don't worry nightmare1z ...... there is no need to. Savatage have been around for 25 years and they will celebrate this appropriately.

By the way as you may have noticed, Jeff Plate, who has been in Savatage considerably longer that Pitrelli, had not been at the Criss Memorial either. At the Criss Memorial the people who played with CRISS back then were relevant, not the ones who came later. Damond had not been there either......

As for Al not playing with Savatage ever since he came back (did he?), just because Megadeth was no more, I for one am not sad. IMO he does not fit into Savatage at all !! And I'm not saying this being into Savatage only since P&M ;).......... Savatage has been my fave band ever since I heard them first more than a decade ago and I have seen them live way more then 10 times, must be 14 or 15 by now.

Look forward to the PP performance they and Tage Mahal will deliver, I saw both at the Criss memorial and it was breathtaking :)
SavaHexe said:
As for Al not playing with Savatage ever since he came back (did he?), just because Megadeth was no more, I for one am not sad. IMO he does not fit into Savatage at all !! !
Obviously the sound of Criss Oliva on guitar just screams Savatage in the first 1/2 second you hear it...

But after Chris' death, the band did an admirable job of struggling on. Skolnick came in for Handful Of Rain and layed down a whole album...essentially doing his best Criss Oliva impersonation...and that was great.

When Dead Winter Dead came out, I was pleasantly surprised. I really like the sound and style that Al Pitrelli adds to the band. In my opinion, he just fuckin' smokes when he wants to, but also has an excellent sense of style. Contrary to popular opinion, I was not at all impressed with Jack Frost.

Regardless of who's the best fit for Savatage, the poor bastard that often gets overlooked is Caffrey. For those of you that have never seen Caffrey live or just think he's always relegated to being a rhythm guitarist...make no mistake...THAT BOY CAN PLAY!

...still like Al Pitrelli in the band though...and Damond just kicks ass as well...can't wait for new material...

Rock on!
Nightmare1z said:
Yeah...Savatage is the band that got me into metal and to buy a guitar (I came in right around time Poets and Madmen was released), so it's sad to see that no new release has come since I've gotten into metal. =-(
Well, Nightmare, if you only got into them around P&M, most people were wondering at that time if THAT album was EVER going to come out.

To say that the band went through some turmoil and changes between Wake Of Magellan and Poets And Madmen is an understatement. The beauty of it was they filled out the lineup for the tour, seemed to garner a good amount of respect (as always) for the material and the album, and carried on.

Since then, though, everyone has definitely had their plates full. I don't think Savatage will ever completely die no matter what happens...but it's definitely been on the back burner the past 2 years or so...
Interesting points.

I agree on the Caffery comment thought - if you've read his studio diaries he's posted he really really sounds like he is doing the only thing he loves, and he's putting his whole mind, body, and soul into this solo album.

I really can't wait to hear Caffery's solo album (Maybe even a little more anxious than Oliva's) because it's 2 CD's, and we're more familiar with Oliva's writing abilities so this is different.

This could be Caffery's time to shine. He's singing on it - a plus. And I've always thought that he has written killer songs - just good metal. Like his songs on the CIIC album that he helped write - probably my favorite tracks on the album.

Oh well - at least we'll get a new Caffery album, a new Oliva album, a new TSO album, and supposedly a new CIIC album this Fall/Winter.

That's a lot of killer material
ashaman, I wasn't dissing Pitrelli as a player, no one with ears could seriously do that. I just think he as a type of player does not fit into Savatage as a whole..... just my opinion and taste :)

Caffery is a great player, I like his style much more than Pitrelli's for example, again, a matter of taste mainly. Plus Caff tries to be and play (and quite well) in the heritage of Criss, which is something Pitrelli never cared for when playing old Criss era Savatage songs live, he always presented them as if he was bored to do so. Had he concentrated on his playing instead of attitude, he would have probably achieved to play the old solos right, but he decided to play "superior" instead, which he is not..........that is mainly why I do not care for Pitrelli.
Yeah, Pitrelli, IMO, is an awesome player, but he does seem to have a bit of an attitude. Jack, if NOTHING else, was excited about playing in Savatage (as was VERY evident when he toured on Poets and Madmen). He was all over the stage... and no matter how bad things got (and, at times, there were some hairy situations on that tour), he still had a decent attitude about it all. I can't wait to see what the next side projects and new Sava-related releases have in store.