talking bottom end


Jul 27, 2005
hey folks,

seems like most mix engineers tend to agree that the bottom end is usually the hardest to get right, be it due to plain physics, or the fact that it's hardest to hear, esp. in a bad room.

however, this kinda imposes the question: what exactly IS the "right" bottom end?

to me it seems like the bottom end is one of the aspects that defines the "sound" of a mix engineer the most.
e.g. tue madsen pretty much always seems to strive for a thick and fat bottom, whereas on the other hand andy's or to some degree also colin's mixes tend to be lighter on the bottom end.
this of course leads to a more controlled sound and a overall tighter bottom, but consequently lacks some of the fatness that bass heavier mixes tend to have.

so, whay do you guys usually like to hear?
tbh it's tempting to broaden the question...what do you think should the overall spectral balance of the finished mix look like? for example, hypocrisy's virus is way more scooped than let's say kreator enemy of god (which is also pretty light on the bottom side imho).
so, what's usually your preference?
i'm saying usually as there's obviously the style and sound of the band playing a large role in this question, but it's still an interesting one imho....

regarding the technical side of it, to me it seems as if that fat bottom sound usually derives from having a fat bass tone in the (sub)lows that's often also compressed to hell and back, whereas hipassing EVERYTHING to some degree seems to be one of the core aspects in getting the tighter more controlled sound. it also seems as if e.g. in andy's mixed the kick tends to sit below the bass, whereas in tue's mixes (or some bergstrand, some nordström, whatever) the bass is below the kick (in the subs, as i said).
I'm really digging bass tones with a pronounced midrange at the moment. Think Tool, Opeth. I really like the bass tones that Juan Alderete from Racer X and The Mars Volta gets on his records. I guess I can't really say what a perfect tone is because my tastes are constantly changing, but I will say that I always prefer being able to clearly hear the notes of the bass rather than having it just fill out the low end of the mix.
Personally, I love Jens Bogren´s sound. Especially the low end although mostly the bass drum has a tiny litle bit too much of the very low end.
It´s a little bit annoying when the double bass drum roars like hell (Amon amarth). But in Katatonia´s "The great cold distance" it fits perfectly!
few things to keep in mind about bottom end..

-it sounds good relative to tempo (the faster the tempo, the less low end needed to get solid bass)
-keep the bass and kick off each other... if your boosting some kick at 80Hz, dip a small bandwidth of 80Hz out of the bass and watch that kick jump out
-if your bass and kick seem like they aren't getting along, buss them to a compressor with medium attack and release, take off 3-6 db, this will pump the kick through the kick a bit better..
-if you don't have a subwoofer, get one, and take a week to place it and set it right
-watch your 120-300Hz on the bass guitar
Sorry, I couldn't help myself when I saw the post title "talking bottom end".

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