Talking Metal

Dream Theater is taking a 6 month break after the Maiden Tour then they'll be back in the studio to record their 11th album in January 2011
What a stand-up chap. I like this guy a lot :worship:

I should give DT more of a chance. I'm not majorly into my prog :)erk:) and have only ever heard Awake from DT. HAVE to listen to "Images and Words". It's an awesome album and one of my Top 5 of all time.

"Scenes from a Memory" is another that you should check out.....inf fact the only DT album I don't regularly listen to is "Train of Thought" HAVE to listen to "Images and Words". It's an awesome album and one of my Top 5 of all time.

"Scenes from a Memory" is another that you should check out.....inf fact the only DT album I don't regularly listen to is "Train of Thought"

Pull Me Under, Under a Glass Moon and Another Day are just precious gems :headbang: