Tallica Concert


I rule at everything
Oct 28, 2002
Queensland, Australia
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So yeah, went to the Tallica concert last night in Brissie... I don't give a fuck what you think about the band, the still rock the shit out of everything live. They played awesomely (is that a word?), very fast and very heavy. Everything just sounded so metal, it was rather surprising. Here's what I can remember of hte setlist:

fight fire with fire
the four horsemen
ride the lightning
the thing that sould not be
dirty window
harvester of sorrow
creeping death
st anger
damage inc.
nothing else matters
sad but true
seek and destroy
last caress
hit the lights

My neck hurts.

The crowd fucken shit me to tears, Tallica went out of their way to play some nice early shit and only like 1/3 of the ppl there got in to it. Everyone else just went nuts to the new shit while wearing their st anger shirts. It fucken made me sick.
:hotjump: Lucky! Glad you had a good time! I still have yet to see them live, but they've been one of my favorite bands for years and years and I need to catch them this time around. Thanks for the good review :)
Yeah, it was a rather humbling experience, Tallica have been in my life since like ever, and to see them live was something else. It was awesome, they threw a few curveballs in a lot of their stuff, like added little heavy breakdowns and shit which were totally metal and nothing like their new stuff :). They had a little jam as well which sounded killer, but totally improvised.

Also most of that st anger shite sounds pretty fucken good live... Kirk added a wicked bad solo in to dirty window, it was just an insane shred with heaps of sweep picking and shit. It went for about thrity seconds as well so it wasn't just like a short wah-fest like in Minus human on S&M. They played Frantic heaps different and it sounded like a thrash song, it was awesome.

The new bass player is awesome as well. He does some crazy shit on stage and really gets in to it. He's a very good musician as well, he put little bass solo's through some of the songs like Cliff used to.

All in all I was very surprised with the 'metalness' metallica showed, and how heavy they made everything sound. listening to Harvester of sorrow was like getting punched in teh face repeatedly. I'm not gonna get ahead of myself and say they're next album will be good but they said they were writing for it.
Yeah... I find their live shows to be their strongest point. I find a lot of people saying "Metallica's slowly morphing back into their former selves" well... Even if they did, could we ever take them back? They will NEVER be the same ol' head bangin' beer drinkin' kids thrashin' back in the day. I don't know... I wouldn't count to Metallica's next album to be anything other than a Linkin Park rehash. I mean, look at Lars, he must fuck Kid Rock in the ass every night.
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Yep, Metallica still kills live. Glad you enjoyed the show, man...pretty badass setlist. Fight Fire With Fire = BRINGING THE OWNAGE.

I've decided against going to the next US tour...seen em twice already, adn tickets are like fifty bucks. But hey, if I can win tix AGAIN, I'm there.
Yeah they opened with fight fire with fire. It was fucken killer, they played it heaps fast and had pyro and shit all through it. Just before the solo they stopped and James goes, "Uhh hey, we're Metallica" and then they started again. The mosh pit (which I didn't get tickets for cause of my friends stupid arse bitch mother, don't ask) looked fucken violent, it owned.
Yeah, I have seen them about five or six time (i think) they are way better live but i can't stand how they stop songs in the middle of them to talk to the crowd or to play a different song. It's like they cannot finish playing their old songs straight through anymore. Glad you had fun though. The first show I seen they Lars was to drunk to play he was tripping over his drums and shit lol.
As one Australian to another, Pink, you're a fucking cunt.
A luckily fucking cunt.
Simpel 'cause ya'll managed to get tickets to see Metallica in Oz. And don't complain 'bout not being in the Pit, ya'll still saw them.
I's wanted to go see them in Sydney (they're playing their tomorrow -Wednesday the 21st) but the tickets sold out in five fucking seconds. I's could have gotten tickets to see them up in Brisy, but it would have taken way to much tiem and money to arrange. As well as having to stay with my's useless fuck of a father for a few days.
As said before, ya'll a lucky cunt for seeing Metallica live. A feat this Pimp has yet to achieve.
I's would go and see them at The Big Day Out (a large, open air music festival -kinda like Lollapaloza) but I's fucking hate going to those sort of things. Oh, well. All praise to you, Pink.
The Pimp NeonBlack
I got 3 tickets after 10secs of them going on sale. There at the fucking colonadde. Im gonna bring tissue because my nose will be bleeding. Shit pisses me off. Because if i got 2 tickets i wouldve had decent seats. But i bought a 3rd ticket for my friend who wanted to go. And now hes not fucking going. So I got screwed. I might just buy 2 tkts off ebay or some shit. Cut my losses and have a good time. Glad you had fun.