
did he post a link to here? b/c if he dd i need a moderator to remove all my posts asap because i have a stalker this is really really important.
i have to motor. i didn't see this thread now. i will post what happened later. but, to worry you guys less, i have a hunch that the no picture restriction will soon be lifted, considering it took ian all of 10 minutes to reach the conclusion to ban image posting.

it's kind of a long story but i don't have time to explain right now, but i will be back later to explain.
but in any case, i am trying to steer any debate about my actions into an argument about metaposting. i have seen the light (well like 2 years ago) and agree that it's the new thing because it's so supremely MILDLY ironically amusing.
well you can post pictures again so i don't see much point in wasting all that time. here is the short version: ian banned some poster who i felt was close enough to the second coming of AndyTM whom you may or may not know i consider the best most inventive and most wonderfully curious poster of all time, preppzz and myself included. whether or not he is or isn't, didn't really matter, because as soon as i made this realization, ian made it so, instead of this one image he tended to post (though i will admit it wasn't totally the funniest thing, at least he had a flair for it), any time he posted, it would be some obnoxious comment about how ian is god. now, while ian and i get along, on the BCO board i'm supposed to hate him (don't let this big secret out). so, following ARTRULZ lead (without really discussing this with art or ian) i just started posting about how Ian sux for banning a good poster, and posting the picture (something called HILDETORR) as much as the banned poster (BIG SEXY BABY) did. about 6 minutes after that, Ian banned posting images. i knew it'd be back, so i wasn;t too worried. so i started posting to all teh whiney fucks about how i'd (following big sexy baby's lead) had changed posting. however, this was merely following up some posts i had made an hour before when the first BSB/AndyTM posting similarities made themselves clear in my mind. this is the result of that:
which was posted about 2 hours before images got banned (for all of 12 hours?? everyone's panties sure were in a bunch for something as obviously impermanent as that).

in any case, because i knew the image banning was only temporary, and since all of the events which took place that night were truly meta posting (posts about posting, transcending other, more banal posts), and i tend to post in "meta" forms anyway, i tried to steer debate into that. i think it's an underrated and underinvestigated style of posting, even though and especially it dates back to early AMH days.

so i guess that's the long version!