Taser International loses bigtime!

Tasers should be treated as a deadly weapon, and cops should use one sparingly. I don't know how things are in canada but US cops love using them for just about anything, including using them on someone who could have just been cuffed.
Tasers should be treated as a deadly weapon, and cops should use one sparingly. I don't know how things are in canada but US cops love using them for just about anything, including using them on someone who could have just been cuffed.

I'm no cop, but, I'm pretty sure they have rules of engagement regarding what they can use depending on each situation - or at least I do know 100% that is how it works in the SAPD here. It's like a tier system of what force they can use, officers here carry pepper spray, tasers, some have nightsticks and then, of course, handguns.

Now keep in mind I'm not saying they use any of it properly :lol:
I'm no cop, but, I'm pretty sure they have rules of engagement regarding what they can use depending on each situation - or at least I do know 100% that is how it works in the SAPD here. It's like a tier system of what force they can use, officers here carry pepper spray, tasers, some have nightsticks and then, of course, handguns.

Now keep in mind I'm not saying they use any of it properly :lol:

Considering how many clips there are on youtube where cops use tasers just because people wont id themselves(Or some other meaningless shit.), i doubt it.

That being said, tasers should still be used, but calling them "non-lethal" is a lie.
i doubt it.

Uh, that's straight from a SAPD officer. If you are trying to hit them with a banana they aren't going to pull out a Glock and shoot you in the chest. They'll pepper spray you. :lol: I never said they followed the rules properly, but that is how they are supposed to go about things. Of course, they get away with doing whatever because they are cops though.