Tasty oldschool DM inside!


Stoner Doom Fanatic
Apr 11, 2009
Hey guys, it's my first post in this section so I'm pretty psyched to see what you guys think of this. I have worked on this for about 8 months so far and I seem to have reached a plateau where I can't improve on it anymore. I'd love to know what you guys think of the song and how you think I can improve the mix :headbang:

Guitar is TSS -> TSE X30 -> s-preshigh, quad tracked
Bass is EWQL Hardcore Bass -> Ampeg SVX
Drums are S2.0
Piano is a Baldwin Grand mic'ed with Bruel & Kjaer

Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1566676/Solunari-FBL_Mixed_Down.mp3