
Son of Metalman

No Visible Cheesegraters
May 26, 2001
I went under the knife (or needle in honesty) yesterday morning, and I have a photo to entertain you all. It isn't showing up the proper colours just yet as it's still in the early healing stages, but it gives you an idea of what shall be living on my arm forever! By the way Peter Day if you read this, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to stop and speak when I saw you, which was literally 10mins after getting the tatt done, because I was feeling kinda hazy :)

Hope to see some of you at Bloodstock, it's gonna rock this year!

Thank you both, I was unsure for months but finally plucked up the courage, and the guy who did it was a real quality guy, even bought me a bottle of water to replenish the water i was sweating out (twas pretty scary for the first time)!!!

I did question whether it was right to get it done, seeing as bands do come and go, but Area 54 to me is deeper than just the amazing music, it helped me through a tough time and picks me up when I've had a crappy day, plus the band themselves are all super nice people, so it's kind of like a positive energy symbol that stores all the good stuff about my life inside it. That's how I look at it anyway, plus whenever anyone asks who or what Area 54 is, it's free advertising right? and that can't be bad!
cool tat man glad to c some one is literally wearing 54 on there sleeve. speaking of going hazey i did when i got my tattoo touched up and just started going a bit come c come sa. i am getting the slayer divine intervention tattoo on me leg same reasons as yours really slayer always cheer me up and have been a dominating force in my life hehe any 1 that knows me would tell ya i love the fuckers 2 peace's and i am glad thats the same with you and 54 coz its awesome when you can totally relate to a band and not just get a band tat for the fucking sake of it coz its the band at the mo type thing. but yet again double thumps up and i give you and all mighty hail :worship:
I don't discourage people who get tats done, but I think people should only get them if the image in someway means a lot - an awful lot - to them. Which in this case it does.

Still have yet to go under the needle myself.
Hey nice tattoo...
no probs about not speaking, i was whizzing past anyhow on my way to do a job for work and nearly passed you myself...yep saw the wrapping on your arm but didn't realize what the tattoo was.

yeah can't wait for bloodstock..gonna be a good couple of days, catching up on some music over the next couple of days..
will send Metalman details of B&B at somepoint....

catch up with you then...