TAVASTIA QUESTION (urgent please read)


1 girl in her cups
May 5, 2003
East Bumblefuck
I didn't know whether to post this in the proper COB forum or in the off-topic one but, seeing as it IS retaled to a COB gig, here it is:

Someone please tell me, how strict is the security at the Tavastia Club in Helsinki? For example, are New Rock boots okay???


-Sonja aka Teh Lantern Nut
Actually I think there's a strict rule that everyone must have Nike running shoes when entering Tavastia.

:lol: :Spin: :lol: :Spin: :hotjump:
:lol: Alright

Well, I just asked cuz there ARE certain venues where the sec are strict as fuck and won't let you in with heavyish shoes etc...
Maybe you can take in a disposable camera. You can take some really good pictures with a cheap disposable camera (as long as you stand in the front rows) in case you're not allowed to get in with a regular one. WE WANT PIXXXX!
You can get in with a regular cam. Observe:



Just don't flaunt it (the camera) as you walk through the door.