Tax Time

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
so did you guys get a refund? or owe? i tallied up the results a couple weeks ago and then revisited them a couple days ago to find any mistakes. i realized i should be getting back $1200 more. haha! glad i went over them again before mailing.
any good tax stories? heres one: one of my coworkers realized he owes $12,000 and he tried to blame the company for not taking taxes out of his check. haha no offense to anyone here who has ever done that but THATS FUCKING STUPID. my thought is that he was hoping he would somehow get away with it. how do you not notice hundreds of dollars "extra" in your paycheck every two weeks?
best part? he doesnt have $12,000. he spent it.
heh. the only mistake ive made was when i shorted myself a couple hundred bucks back in 2002. they sent me a check and a copy of my 1040 showing me where i fucked up.
this year i somehow miscalculated the tax we paid. *with a calculator* i was somehow off by thousands of dollars. like i said, im glad i went back over my stuff
When I started living alone, I set my W-2 for head of household, and I got more money back each week. Did that for 9 months before realizing you have to have a dependent to claim that, D'OH! I owed like $1,500 that year, and even that required some fuzzy math.

Been waiting for my $600 to show up in the mail for weeks now. First time I've gotten money back in years and they are all slow and shit. Fuckers.
Tax time... I did my taxes in February. Got a refund of about 400. Already spent on booze and women, well, buying booze for women to further take advantage of them. Thanks, Uncle Sam.
Necromunchkin said:
Tax time... I did my taxes in February. Got a refund of about 400. Already spent on booze and women, well, buying booze for women to further take advantage of them. Thanks, Uncle Sam.

"Thanks, Uncle Sam", for letting you have some of your own money back that they had taken too much of in the first place?

Actually I only paid two hundred in taxes... but thanks for the psuedo-intellectual commentary on over-taxation. Your witticism is both profound and poignant.
J. said:
just use Turbotax. it does everthing for you.

we got back $3300
thats about what we got back. for the first time ever i was able to itemize my deductions. we have a child too. heh, i tried to itemize my medical bills but wouldve needed to have >$7000 in bills for it to matter. haha thats crazy

did anyone find the story about the $12,000 funny? i wish i coulda seen his face when his tax dude told him that
Of corpse we do. I spent over $4000 on train tickets last year for getting to and back from work and Im getting a percentage of that back.
dude, you can deduct commuting fees? thats awesome. we dont have trains here of course. that would be smart and economical. here in america we like transportation to be our second highest expense, usually only a few hundred dollars a month below housing.
great example:
my neighbors house payment: $600 (splits with roomate)
his car payment: $700 (not including gas and insurance) :)
We owed $2,200. But I'd prefer to write the Fed a check at the end of the year and have the money through the course of the year to invest. Why let them sit on my money for a year and gain interest on it?

^wise words right there

edit: thats probably *not* what my colleague was thinking haha wont he get some kind of fine for not being able to pay the $12000? seems like he might be fucked up for awhile