TDWP - Outnumbered cover

Here to give op what he wants

Wow really??? First mix ever?! You were just bored last night so you figured you would buy some recording gear and try your hand at it? Assuming you slept at one point or another, you did this in a matter of hours? One word man: P-R-O-D-I-G-Y

Aaaaaaanyways. Welcome to the board.
generally to get of mud, you cut the low mids, 250-500 and 600-800

do some wide scoops there, and you'll find your guitars breathing a lot more!
Here to give op what he wants

Wow really??? First mix ever?! You were just bored last night so you figured you would buy some recording gear and try your hand at it? Assuming you slept at one point or another, you did this in a matter of hours? One word man: P-R-O-D-I-G-Y

Aaaaaaanyways. Welcome to the board.

If this is real, not so much. If this is an attempt at sarcasm on a forum grow up.

On topic,

+1 for muddy guitars, and a touch to much compression for my taste. Keep that shit pumping, but just a touch less for me. Also I gotta second the farty bass.

Other than those, great mix feel. Very edgy just like the EP
That was not an "attempt" at sarcasm. That WAS sarcasm. Now idk how long you've been lurking the board before signing up but I've been around long enough to see countless kids come on here posting their "first mix" (when it's very obviously not), who aren't interested in feedback but rather, are looking for praise. It's just annoying, it clogs up the forum and its childish. Am I saying I know for sure this isn't his first mix? No. What I'm saying is that I've seen this gag a billion times and this post happened to have caught me in a bad mood.
I've been around long enough to see countless kids come on here posting their "first mix" (when it's very obviously not), who aren't interested in feedback but rather, are looking for praise. It's just annoying, it clogs up the forum and its childish. Am I saying I know for sure this isn't his first mix? No. What I'm saying is that I've seen this gag a billion times and this post happened to have caught me in a bad mood.

This, pretty much. Points about muddy guitars and overcompression are agreeable. Also,

If this is real, not so much. If this is an attempt at sarcasm on a forum grow up.

Have you ever been on a forum before?
To all those who's jimmys have somehow evidently been rustled, I apologise. Was only trying to make a start on improving my mixing skills, and for those who at least before they said something negative about the way I phrased my post gave criticisms, thanks - I didn't even think to touch any EQ on the guitars haha. When EQing does it make a difference if I put both rhythm tracks through a bus and do all the EQing there or apply individual EQ to each tracks?
To all those who's jimmys have somehow evidently been rustled, I apologise. Was only trying to make a start on improving my mixing skills, and for those who at least before they said something negative about the way I phrased my post gave criticisms, thanks - I didn't even think to touch any EQ on the guitars haha. When EQing does it make a difference if I put both rhythm tracks through a bus and do all the EQing there or apply individual EQ to each tracks?

Shouldn't matter either way. I always EQ my rhythm bus. The only reason it would matter would be if it were for dynamics such as compression etc. The dynamics and loudness do not effect the EQ so I'm almost positive it doesn't matter. Someone correct me if I'm wrong