Tear this one apart for me!!!!

Drums and the drummer are real, it's a DW kit, not sure the model but it was a custom deal. Drum mics are as follows:
Kick mic-Sennheiser e602
Snare Top - Beta 57A
Snare Bottom - Audix OM5 (???bass player had it lying around and it's hypercardoid so decent rejection)
Toms: (There are 5!! toms) 4 of them are Sennheiser e604's, and one is a SM57...

Overheads are Naiant MSH-2 omnis...$30 mics
Hihat is a CAD small diaphram pencil mic, not sure of the model
Room mic is a Rode NT-1

All mics are going through an 80s Allen and Heath System 8 Mixer, into 2 M Audio Delta 1010s

Bass is a PRS bass, into a Boogie head with Eden cabinets. DI'd and Miked with the e602.

Guitars are a '71 Les Paul Recording into a Boogie IIC+, miked on 2 different speakers (Black shadow and vintage 30 I believe) with a 57 and 57A.

Vocals are the NT1.
Nice dude! Quite a sound you got out of those drums. I'd say the kick just needs a little less of that wet/dark sound, so maybe a little more attack (~2-6khz) and a little less low mids (~250hz). Snare could come up a little too.