Tech-Death-Core-ish stuff I just started mixing


Jul 18, 2007
Brighton, UK
Hey dudes.

Just started mixing this for my friend's band, and not too sure where to take it next, there's a LOT of layers of vocals, like 20 ish layers of clean vocals at some points and 5/6 layers of dirty stuff, and I'm a bit worried about it sounding too cluttered.

I've also tried to put quite a considerable amount of work into adding little production flourishes and again I'm worried that some bits might be a little bit too much?

Obviously not completely finished but I think it's headed in the right direction?

I think maybe the toms could do with replacing with different samples, as they sound a bit meh at the moment... 10 More EXP.mp3
Yeah it does seem like quite a while before the snare actually comes in haha. The drummer loves adding weird little decorations here and there with toms and cymbals...

Yeah the tom thing is a bit tricky, the drummer uses 4 toms, but only uses the bottom one VERY rarely, I sort of spaced them all out equally, but maybe I should just being the whole thing inwards a bit as at the moment some of the rolls sound a little bit silly being panned so hard...

The vocals are an SE2200A straight into my Profire 2626. Then on the input I've got a de-esser and R-vox just for the gating. Then there's a compresser absolutely squashing the shit out of them, then PSP Vintagewarmer, with just a tiny bit of drive to give them a little bit more grit, that gets baked straight into the audio tracks. Then all the vocals are pushed into a bus where I've got a limiter on them to even out the levels as some of the doubled parts have quite a lot of takes going on. Then just Steinberg Reverb A. No EQ anywhere in the chain.

Cheers dudes! :)
Soundy really good. I have to agree with what has been mentioned about the toms, ans far as needing a new sample, and panning them differently. You may have went a tad overboard on the geetar editing in a few spots. Overall i think it really sound great.