Technical death metal [faceless-esque]

cymbals sound a little loud/cluttered in the faster parts, and the guitars are edited a little too tightly, cutting off some of the pick attack. instead, try cutting at the end of the note as opposed to the beginning of the note. riffing is fucking ill though. is this what may be on the split?
Hah, my guitarist, Brett, started editing his tracks before sending them to me. The pick attack is completely gone from the little breakdown section at the end, but he's gonna fix them and send them over.

I feel like the guitars are just a tad bit too loud also. Originally, I edited the cymbals so they weren't all cluttered. I'm mainly talking about the part at 0:35. Instead of all the mess, it was just a china per measure. Felt like it was really groovy and nice.

But Brett said he tried originally making that part "technical" and he didn't like what I did at all so he changed it back. :lol:

And yeah! This song, as well as Planetary Devastation and Elixir, I believe, are going on the split album! Are you Daniel S. btw?

When you mentioned the split, I didn't understand what you meant. haha
i say give the mix a little more humanization (as if i could do any better haha) and this will sound like a bag of wonders \m/

and yes, thats me, haha.
Great song!
And the mix is good. Kick is too robotic for my taste.


i say give the mix a little more humanization (as if i could do any better haha) and this will sound like a bag of wonders m/

and yes, thats me, haha.

hah, thought so. :]

As for the humanization, well I have no idea what a drummer would do. Plus, the drums are kind of ridiculous as it is.. I like to think that a drumming god tracked drums for our songs and he just did a really good job. :lol:

Seriously though, for the full length, I'm thinking about investing in the service that Lyle Cooper and 006 [from here] offer. Having Lyle track our drums would not only be an honor, but it'd save me from getting pissed off that the drums sound too inhumane.

Only problem is that it's going to destroy my pocket. That, with getting reamps for the guitars and whatnot..

When we first released the EP, I talked about giving everything we make away for free, too. So I'm going to end up spending a shit load of money to make basically nothing. I have to convince myself that getting Lyle to track drums is worth it. hahaha
Updated the mix.

Link is here Shit/HydrofluoricTempestMASTER.mp3

I think I'm getting close to finishing.

Just want to see if there are any problems to any of your ears besides the bad punch ins. My guitarist edited them before sending them to me so the pick attack is all gone. Going to be fixing that sometime soon.

The guitars are scooped on purpose. I like it. :B
For the bass, I didn't something weird and unconventional, I would think. Did the trick where you duplicate the bass and HP one track, and LP the other, and process them separately.
Pretty standard stuff for the low end of the bass. Wanted it relatively smooth and clean.
For the high end, since the bass sucks and I get this dumb high frequency hum/hiss/noise, I used a noise reducing plug. Pretty much sapped the high end right out, and it left me with a sort of metallic mid sound, which I thought was cool. lol
Cool song. I can suggest maybe cleaning up some of the low end on the guitars. You can then push the guitars alittle harder then. Thanks for sharing. Is this going to be a rings of saturn song?