Ted Nugent at Naperville Ribfest rollcall


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
OK...anyone here going to see Nugent at Naperville's Ribfest on the 3rd? Chris, John & I are planning on it...sounds like a good time.

I haven't seen Nugent since he played in Damn Yankees back in like 90 or 91...so I'm curious to see him do his own thing...haha
OK...anyone here going to see Nugent at Naperville's Ribfest on the 3rd? Chris, John & I are planning on it...sounds like a good time.

I haven't seen Nugent since he played in Damn Yankees back in like 90 or 91...so I'm curious to see him do his own thing...haha

Hell....I saw him open for Aerosmith and he blew them away!! Teddy Rocks!
We were thinking about going, but we decided not to this year, and stay close to the house.

And hey Rycher.....Dennis DeYoung is fantastic on stage, really good showman! I actually was lucky enough to see him play "Pilate" in Jesus Christ Superstar, and saw him do his album of "showtunes" along with some Styx songs at the Park West. I've been a Styx fan for ohhhh....let's just say a LONG time lol. Wish Dennis would get his big head out of his a$$ and get back together with them. Although his replacement is just as good, and the last time we saw them, they played a lot more of their heavier stuff (if you can discern the heavy from the non hehehehe).

Now, if you were joking about seeing him, disregard this post, but if you ARE going, enjoy!!:kickass:
Did you go check out Night Ranger at FD last night?

Nope, I had other plans and couldn't make it. I've heard that they're very entertaining live - my brother saw them 5-7 years ago when they played in Schaumburg for the labor day festival. Nugent should be awesome though. I've always wanted to see him but timing never works out. I've heard that Ribfest gets insanely overcrowded when they have huge headliners.

prncsslime: I've seen Styx 4x since the reunion in 1996 - twice with Dennis, and twice without him. I think Styx is by far more of a rock band without him, and he doesn't drag them down with all of his ballads.

The downer is that my favorite Styx songs are the Tommy Shaw/JY songs, which we won't hear any of. The upside - finally getting to hear Mr. Roboto in its entirety. I love that song! :lol:

I'm not joking, I've always been a big Styx fan. :kickass:
God dammit this is the second year in a row I didn't know Dennis Deyoung was playing around here and missed him.....

I would love to see Ted again but I refuse to go to ribfest anymore after the last couple of years.

I'd love to see Night Ranger again, I'm totally Gary for that band.
Tony, I think you're just totally Gary, period. :p

Seems like there is a general consensus about Ribfest. I went for the first time last year to see Heart. While I thoroughly enjoyed seeing them live finally, it wasn't worth the B.S. I had to go through. Expensive and insane crowds. I couldn't even find people that I was supposed to meet there, but I did manage to run into Lotesto! Haha. Anyway, that fest is not high on my list now obviously because of the hassle that it is.

I am curious to read some reviews on the Nuge though. Would have been nice to see him.
Tony, I think you're just totally Gary, period. :p

agreed 1000%!!! :lol:

Seems like there is a general consensus about Ribfest. I went for the first time last year to see Heart. While I thoroughly enjoyed seeing them live finally, it wasn't worth the B.S. I had to go through. Expensive and insane crowds. I couldn't even find people that I was supposed to meet there, but I did manage to run into Lotesto! Haha. Anyway, that fest is not high on my list now obviously because of the hassle that it is.

haha....still don't know how we managed that....it's almost impossible to
run into anyone! haha Heart was great though....Rob and I got lucky
with a parking spot and minimal hassle....somehow got beers on a regular
basis w/o waiting this year....

I am curious to read some reviews on the Nuge though. Would have been nice to see him.

Saw Nuge there a few years ago and it was great....for some reason, this year just seemed LAME....don't know why...... Ted commented on
the PG-13 version of the show so maybe the Naperfarts got on him about
toning it down.....didn't even get any fucking ribs....but got a great buzz
on! :lol:

Btw....GARY....DeYoung is in Arlington Heights tomorrow....
DDY was awesome. :kickass:


Thanks again for the Teddy review, Chris! Good to see you again last night.

Tony on the other hand exemplified his Garyness and failed to come out, which really surprised me since he made a stink early up in this thread about missing him before. You missed him in all of his white pants glory! You suck dude, ha. ;-)

Seriously, I hadn't seen DDY live before (not even with Styx) and had heard all of the positive reviews from people in the past. Totally lived up to expectation. That guy really still does sound EXACTLY like he did in the late 70's. That truly is amazing to me and is a rare thing to hear IMO. What a great show!
The Daily Herald had an article mentioning that Arlington Heights was prepared for 10,000 people. I'd say that's a good estimate - I have never seen Frontier Days as packed as it was on Saturday.

PS: I saw Shadowlioness hanging with some metalhead cronies in the beer garden. I was the dude in the Novembers Doom shirt. Would have said hi, but that would have generated a lengthy explanation to my fiancee and my parents as to why I'm talking to some other chick that I recognize from the internet. :lol:
Tony, I think you're just totally Gary, period. :p


Seems like there is a general consensus about Ribfest. I went for the first time last year to see Heart. While I thoroughly enjoyed seeing them live finally, it wasn't worth the B.S. I had to go through. Expensive and insane crowds. I couldn't even find people that I was supposed to meet there, but I did manage to run into Lotesto! Haha. Anyway, that fest is not high on my list now obviously because of the hassle that it is.

Wait...you were there?

Yeah, I remember that. Vega and Laura were supposed to meet me there, but at like 4 or 5pm they stopped letting people in because they were at capacity. So Vega and Laura had to turn around and go home after struggling to find a place to park, walk all the fuck to the gate, stand in line...only to get turned away.
Ribfest has always been a royal pain in my ass and my desire to go fades even more every year.

Amber's Guide to Seeing a Headliner at Ribfest:
-If you want to *hear* the headliner at Ribfest from all the way on the other end of the fest, get there at 2.
-If you want to see a tiny moving figure resembling a person on stage, get there at 11.
-If you want a decent view of the stage, get there the day before and camp out in the porto-potties. However, be prepared to ward off ignorant yuppies and their devil spawn.
PS: I saw Shadowlioness hanging with some metalhead cronies in the beer garden. I was the dude in the Novembers Doom shirt.

That is freaking funny. We spotted you (because of the ND shirt) and one of my friends asked me if I knew you. I of course didn't and had no clue it was someone from this board. Next time just come up and say hello, with your fiance and fam included. :)

@Amber: I may as well have not been there. I could have been aggravated elsewhere for free! Haha. Shitty about Vega and Laura. I'm surprised that I didn't get turned away. Shame on the way that that fest is handled.

Addition to your survival guide: Find out where else the headliner is playing and skip Ribfest! :)

Thanks again for the Teddy review, Chris! Good to see you again last night.

Tony on the other hand exemplified his Garyness and failed to come out, which really surprised me since he made a stink early up in this thread about missing him before. You missed him in all of his white pants glory! You suck dude,

If a certain group of people would have let me know they were going to be there I would have opted to do that...couldn't find anybody to go with, didn't feel like going alone so I hung up with Darin and Tiff! Was not aware anybody else was going until Jen texted me at which point in time was way to late for me to get up there....next year maybe!
If a certain group of people would have let me know they were going to be there I would have opted to do that...couldn't find anybody to go with, didn't feel like going alone so I hung up with Darin and Tiff! Was not aware anybody else was going until Jen texted me at which point in time was way to late for me to get up there....next year maybe!

A certain group of people probably figured you knew about it already from Lotesto's post. I suppose we shouldn't have assumed. :erk: