Tee! Tee! Tee! Tee! Tee! Tee! Tee! Tee! Tee! Tee! Tee!

Yes, I talked to her 2 weeks ago and she said she was going to Greece for a week with her husband. She should be back by now.

When I talked to her at the time, she said she had a terrible cold where she could hardly see the computer screen in front of her. I hope it isn't something serious. :(

Hey Karen, did ya get the PM I sent yesterday? I sent it but my browser screwed up and I'm not sure if it got sent. Just making sure.
here I am, my lovely (worried) buddies! :)
I died and went to heaven. and now I'm back. to hell. :D
indeed we were in Greece, but before that we moved into our new apartment, so I had days off for that too and wasn't interested in anything else but unpacking, arranging things and enjoying the new living space.
in Greece it was a blast, though it lasted too short and we didn't have time for everything we wanted to do, like go to the beach because it was cold (for my taste), having the beach 150 meters away from the house.
however, I see there are some new exciting things goin' on here, so I'm back and intend to check all that.

ela, kirie, ti kanis? no Texas on Wednsday night? nevermind, there will be pictures again, and from metal mausoleum too... :)

thank you all for worrying, esp.Lionette! :wave:

and where's my buddy Hearse? :confused: HAPPY B-DAY, HEARSE! :yell:

oh, fuck, yeah, Antoni, arr, I forgot, :( , I'm sorry :(. I won't drink tequilas anymore.....
:( :loco:

OK, TONY, :heh:, make sure you're there in July.... :D we're even stay for 2-3 weeks. :)
yes, it's hell as it is, all this traffic, I mean, come on people!! it'll be so yippie! :eek: Nikos was so happy and relaxed this morning, driving to work... :D

and when we're there, we always stay in Eretria on Evia, so we don't suffer that much, drinking frappés in the sun, swimming, sunbathing, measuring tzitzikis (or whatever the name of those bugs is, LOL) that vary from 5-10 cm in length :loco:

yep, try to find the pic... :)